Chapter 35: Puzzle Piece

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*Amy's P.O.V*

I'm back with the rest of the group at Miyagi-Do, without Eagle Fang.

I've been trying to get in contact with Eli the past few weeks and nothing.

I've sent him so many messages and I wouldn't get a reply back. It made me sad that he hasn't said anything.

But then I feel like I shouldn't be feeling too sad because Demetri is having the same treatment from Eli as well.

He's just being more stronger than I am about the situation.

I watched on as Sam kept punching a punching bag.

"Easy. Save some for Cobra Kai." Demetri told Sam.

"Yeah, if we're actually ever allowed to stand up to them." Sam said.

"Hey, everyone, gather around. I have news." Daniel said, holding a piece of paper.

We all walked over to him and I stayed next to Sam.

"The All Valley committee just announced big changes for the tournament." Daniel said.

"What kind of changes?" I asked my uncle.

"Well, see for yourself." Daniel handed the paper to Sam. "It's a whole new ball game."

Sam, Demetri, Chris, and I looked at the paper of the new rules.

"They're introducing skills competitions?" Demetri asked.

"Yep." Daniel said with glee.

"Kata, board breaking, weapons display?" Demetri continued reading it off.

"And there's gonna be a separate girls' division. So that means..." Sam trailed off.

"There'll be two All Valley champs." Daniel said.

"Wait, what does that mean for the bet with Cobra Kai?" Chris asked Daniel.

"There's a Grand Champion trophy for whichever dojo wins the most points." Daniel explained.

"All I know is the girls' division is mine." Sam said, giving the paper back to her dad.

"Or mine." I added, looking at my cousin.

I wanna win the tournament too.

"Well, that just leaves the skills and the boys. I'm counting on you guys." Daniel looked at the guys.

"Who, us?" Chris asked.

"Yeah, we're a bunch of Rudy's. I mean, sure, we're good for the occasional inspirational moment, but we're not exactly center mat material." Demetri said.

"We were much better off with Miguel and Hawk." Chris said.

I became sad when Eli was mentioned. I really miss him.

"Yeah, or he who shall not be named." Demetri said. "Rhymes with "Dobby."

"Look, I know you're missing some of your friends. And of course, I wish Robby was here. But it's time to put the past behind us, all right? Don't worry. By the time the tournament comes around, you're gonna realize this was the best thing that could've happened." Daniel said to us all.

I shrugged. "Okay, Uncle Daniel."

Everyone kind of stayed quiet after that.

I think it's cool that there's skill competition because I know what I'm going to do.

I'll be doing kata.

I'm the best at kata and even Sam would agree.

But anyway, while I was in my thinking bubble, Demetri started to talk to me.

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