Chapter 28: Chicken Egg Rolls

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*Eli's P.O.V*

I'm sitting at the table, waiting for Amy to get here.

She texted me, saying that she was on her way and it's only been five minutes since.

Training was interesting to say the least.

A completely different take than what I'm used to when I'm training under Johnny's influence.

I'm used to the extreme, and dangerous tactics that Johnny would give us so having Mr. LaRusso train us is a whole other ball game.

Mr. LaRusso must know Johnny so well that he made our training a challenge.

And I must say, I am definitely challenged.

It was aggressive but still very calming.

Is that even a thing? To me, it seems like it.

Another five minutes went by before Amy showed up - she was wearing jeans with a light purple jacket on.

Her bright, purple hair stood out, along with her outfit.

Don't worry, she's wearing a light blue shirt under the jacket too.

"Hey, sorry I took so long." She apologized as she sat across from me.

I flashed her a smile. "It's okay, don't worry about it."

As promised, we're at a Chinese restaurant. One of the best in town so I can't wait to eat some good food.

"Training was hectic today." She said.

"Tell me about it." I said. "And I ordered you a water by the way."

"That's fine."

She didn't even get the chance to say anything about training before the waitress came back, ready to take our order.

We basically ordered the same thing.

Orange chicken, with chicken chow mein and pork fried rice.

"And can we also get an order of the chicken egg rolls?" I asked and the waitress nodded before going to the kitchen to get our food made.

"Chicken egg rolls?" Amy questioned.

"I've heard they're the best at this place." I assured her and she nodded.

Demetri sometimes comes to this place with Yasmine and he tells me about the chicken egg rolls every time he comes here.

"So tell me how training went." I looked towards her.

"Well..." she started to say. "I jumped off a building."

My eyes widened just hearing her say that. I knew Johnny had extreme training but that was the last thing I thought he would have happen.

Quite the opposite, actually.

"And I can tell you're alright because you're sitting here at this restaurant with me."

She laughed a little. "I'm fine. I had to jump onto another building. I was planning on not jumping at all."

"And what changed your mind?" I questioned, eyebrow raised.

"My uncle sent text messages to Sam. He was basically telling her, and also me to not do anything he wouldn't do. That only encouraged us to not listen to him and just go for it. I felt free jumping off that building. It's like I got a new sense of life."

And I thought the cement truck was bad.

Jumping from building to building is another story.

"Johnny's training can make you feel like that." I nodded.

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