Chapter 18: Saving The All Valley

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*Amy's P.O.V*

Miyagi-Do is back in session.

I stood beside Sam in front of Daniel as he gave us a speech about how he wasn't sure if he wanted to reopen Miyagi-Do. But he wants us to show compassion this time.

We did simple breathing exercises as he talked before he had us doing the basic moves that he's taught us before.

But once he started getting frustrated with how people were doing the moves, we went to get refreshments.

"Your dad seems a little on edge." Demetri said to Sam as the three of us were talking.

"He's just really focused this time around." Sam said.

I shrugged as I had a sip of my lemonade.

"He just wants us to be prepared for what Cobra Kai has in store for us." I added in my own input.

"He wants us to fight back." Sam said.

"But carefully, this time, for sure." Demetri said as he glanced at his arm that was still in the cast.

"How much longer are you in the cast?" I asked.

"A few more days." Demetri said.

"That's good." Sam nodded with a smile.

"I've been wanting to get it off as soon as it came on." Demetri said.

I still sometimes replay the moment of his arm getting broken. It still sends chills up my spine. But I also try to not think about it as much.

There's other stuff that I need to focus on.

Eli and I have been texting a lot lately. But it's either about Star Wars or about where we should go next as a date. Sometimes he'll send me memes that'll make me laugh.

But he hasn't asked me to be his girlfriend yet.

I want to be worried but I'm sure it'll happen at the right time. I don't want to rush him.

"So how does it feel to be back in a Miyagi-Do gi?" Sam asked me.

I grinned a little. "It feels pretty good. I missed it, honestly."

"You look good." She complimented.

I just now realized that it was only Sam and I. Demetri was talking to Chris and Nate.

"I may look good but you look better."

"We both look great. Is that good?" She asked.

"That's good." I smiled at my cousin.

"I'm still getting used to this." Sam said, "Since I've said a couple of times that I was done with karate. The school fight is still very traumatic to me but as my dad said, I can't let fear win."

I nodded, understanding her. "He told me the same thing."

"We're tough girls, Amy. We can get through anything."

"Jersey tough." I put my fist out.

"Jersey tough." She fist bumped me.

While we were talking, we heard a bit of a conversation outside.

Sam and I got closer to the door that was where we would hang out when we're not training.

Daniel and Amanda were with some guy that was dressed in a suit.

I didn't know who that was.

And we could hear what they were talking about.

Apparently the All Valley tournament has been cancelled.

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