Chapter 15: Overcoming Fear

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*Amy's P.O.V*

I stayed sitting in my room by myself as I scrolled through my phone.

It's only myself because Sam and Anthony is with our grandma. I didn't go because I honestly didn't feel like it. I'm perfectly fine being by myself.

Since yesterday, I couldn't stop thinking about my first kiss with Hawk.

His lips were soft against mine.

There was magic.

When I was kissing him, it felt like everything was right in the world. I felt like I was home.

Hawk is my home and I don't ever want to leave.

I really like him.

The thought of him and I kissing put a smile on my face as I was looking at Hawk's Instagram account.

His recent post was a picture that he had taken when we were at the beach. The caption only had a '❤️'

I liked his post and was just shutting my phone off before my uncle came in.

"Oh, hey, Amy." Daniel said as he set a few things down.

I smiled. "Hey, Uncle Daniel."

"I bought you and Sam these bags from Okinawa." He said as he handed me mine. "It was a good trip when I was there."

"How did it go?"

He smiled, sitting down next to me. "I got to catch up with some old friends. I also learned a bit more of Miyagi-Do. I think the trip was much needed."

"I'm glad." I acknowledged. "You always seem to have the best stories to tell."

"Trust me, there are stories. But stories that I'll tell you another time."

I looked at the bag that he bought for me with a smile. It was really pretty. I bet Sam would like hers too.

"What did you get Anthony?" I asked him.

"Some Kit Kats." He started to explain. "Apparently there's a Kit Kat with the flavor of soy sauce. Isn't that crazy?"

"Completely crazy." I laughed.

Soy sauce as a Kit Kat flavor. That is interesting for sure.

If anything though, soy sauce is really good in fried rice.

"Is there any stories that you would be able to tell me?" I asked him.

My uncle leaned back a bit as he tried to think of something to say. He then took a deep breath.

"Mr. Miyagi really loved you. He cares so much for you and Sam, even Anthony. He would be so proud of you guys."

"How did you hear that?"

My uncle smiled. "I was visiting Kumiko and she was reading some letters that he had written. Mr. Miyagi said good things about you and how you're so strong, free spirited. Never lose that quality."

Those comments from Mr. Miyagi made me smile.

I've met Mr. Miyagi a couple of times but it was during the time where Sam was learning karate and I wasn't. I didn't start learning karate until maybe a year or two after Sam.

"Also, I heard what Cobra Kai did to Demetri."

A cold feeling ran down my spine just hearing my uncle say that. It still makes me shake just remembering that memory.

"I tried to help him and I was just held back, being forced to watch. I tried fighting out of their grip but it was pointless."

"How do you feel now?" He asked.

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