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Chapter 26 I Treat You as a Lover

Pork Belly Chicken is a famous Cantonese traditional dish. It is a bit complicated to make. Fortunately, because it is on the star network, many time-consuming steps can be accelerated and fast-forwarded.

Although Lei Si in the human form of the little black cat is very good at hunting, he is not at a disadvantage in fighting adult orcs, but when it comes to cooking and helping to handle ingredients, he is really clumsy, or it is not an exaggeration to say that he is in the way. It is not as good as the kitchen AI Well done to the assistant.

Originally, I just wanted Lei Si to help me cut a dish, but this guy turned around and split the virtual chopping board in half... Si Nuo said helplessly, "If you want to eat quickly, it's better not to help you!" Lei

Si I had no choice but to withdraw my hand, watching Sino Nuo cook with some grievances...During the period, most of the eyes were on Sino Nuo's face, hands, and body.

Lei Si's eyes are still red-gold now, this is the only similarity with his animal state. The red-gold pupils look clear and clear. When he looks at you intently, he is very beautiful and charming, making people feel that his world is full of you.

The ardent gaze gave Si Nuo a weird feeling of being stared at by a ferocious beast. With invisible oppression, Si Nuo felt a little uncomfortable.

Si Nuo had no choice but to turn his head, and pleaded with Lei Si: "Bao...uh, Lei Si, can you transform into a beast?"

Facing the image of such a tall and strong man, it was difficult for him to call out "Baby" Three words.

I don't really know how to get along with Lei Si like this...

Lei Si stared intently at Si Nuo's face for a long time before letting out a low "ow".

If the tail is not counted, the little black cat is barely 20cm long, and the whole body is black and fluffy. Only the four small claws and the fur on the tip of the nose are snow-white. It looks really cute and lovable.

The cute little guy who made people want to pick up and hug him so much reappeared in front of him, which made Si Nuo heave a sigh of relief.

Si Nuo also talked more, often just talking to himself meaninglessly, such as "Well, this meat is very tender, you can cook it for a little longer..." "Ah, it seems that Chen Pi has to be made by himself, and I don't know how to make it in this era." Is there any hawthorn, black plum..." and so on, the little black cat called out from time to time as a response, although he couldn't understand some of Sino's words.

The atmosphere in the entire kitchen suddenly changed from the previous cramped silence to relaxed and lively.

Whenever Si Nuo looked up, he could see that the little black cat was still looking at him intently, but he no longer felt uncomfortable. Instead, he happily educated his little cub in a teasing tone: "Little boy, are you too cute?" Are you clinging to your brother? Let me tell you, male cubs can't develop this habit. When you find a girlfriend in the future, you will be disgusted. Girls like mature and steady men." The little black cat glared at Sino

. , irritatedly said: "I'm not looking for a girlfriend."

The prince already has a daughter-in-law, so what kind of girlfriend is he looking for? !

However, Lei Si is not very sure about this now. Judging from the little female's rejection of other people's forms, the little female doesn't seem to have... the idea of ​​treating him as a target at all!

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