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Chapter 46 Signing the Partner Blood Pact

Soon, Area K arrived, and Zhou Tian's speeding car flew straight to the tallest 100-story commercial building. After picking up the hovering speeding car at the parking lot on the roof, he took the three of them to the special clothing area first.

Huo Yunfan asked curiously: "Aren't we going to the auction? Why did we come to the clothing section first?"

And the clothes here look very strange, different from everyday wear, more like masquerade balls and performances clothing.

Zhou Tian smiled and explained in a low voice: "Because what we are going to is an underground auction, and the items we buy and sell are relatively special items. In order to prevent others from identifying us, it is best to simply disguise it. But the organizer must be If they know our identities, the other party will keep it a secret, so it doesn't matter." When

Zhou Tian said this, Huo Yunfan, who hadn't planned to buy anything, suddenly became interested, and happily picked up the mask costume.

Then I chose a lively and cute rabbit mask, and the costumes are also matching furry suits.

This made Huo Yunfan's delicate face even more lovely.

Si Nuo was a little embarrassed, good-looking is good-looking, but it feels... like a sex suit. However, this kind of dress is very normal in the beastman world, and females who cannot transform have always been keen to experience the feeling of transforming into a beast through clothing.

Zhou Tian affirmed Huo Yunfan's appearance, and chose a silver werewolf suit and werewolf mask for himself.

There are also quite a few other guests who are choosing various masks, most of them prefer various animal suits, which looks like an animal city.

Although Snow liked the furry feel, he couldn't bear to put on all kinds of furry suits himself. He casually took a black cloak, black hat, and white mask...it looked like a night ghost.

Lei Si, who was following behind him, also chose the same ghost suit as him.

Si Nuo didn't think much about it, and he couldn't imagine how a 185cm Lei Si would look in a furry suit... Now that Lei Si has animal ears and a tail, the cold and sullen Zhongben has a little contrast and cuteness, but it's still very seductive, let's continue to be cute , it's a bit hot on the eyes.

After changing the equipment extremely efficiently, a group of four took the elevator straight down to the third basement floor.

Arriving at the entrance of the legendary underground store, Si Nuo found that in a sea of ​​colorful and furry people, he and Lei Si's black outfits looked very eye-catching, and they looked like a couple's suit.

After checking the reservation verification code presented by Zhou Tian, ​​the girl who was in charge of the reception at the entrance showed a meaningful smile at Si Nuo and Lei Si, the specially dressed male and female pair: "I wish you a happy night !"

After entering, Si Nuo discovered that Zhou Tian and Huo Yunfan were not in the same private room as him and Lei Si, but two... a couple's private room with a distance. Zhou

Tian explained with a smile: "I booked tickets late, there are no private rooms, only private rooms for couples.


After briefly explaining what to do if the auction house wanted to buy something, they made an appointment to gather after the auction, and the four of them split up.

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