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Chapter 82

The first plate of crispy fried sand scorpion leg meat made by Si Nuo was not small, but Si Nuo stopped after eating only four or five yuan, and stuffed the rest to Lei Si, because Si Nuo's physique was limited and he had no appetite It's so big, he needs to save some stomach to taste the taste of small sand scorpion meat.

When Snow came out of the second pot of fried small sand scorpion meat sticks, he found that besides the seventeen students who had been eliminated from the Eno Federation, there were two more Eno Federation student uniforms in the surrounding crowd. teacher.

One of the teachers smiled and said, "Student Si Nuo, you have to see the delicious food!"

The other teacher rubbed his hands and said, "You see, we have to go out to work in the evening, and pick up these little brats back home. It's not easy! Just take pity on us."

Seeing that the teacher who came to pick them up didn't grab them onto the aircraft immediately, the other 17 students seized the opportunity and expressed their yearning for delicious food in one go. —

"Student Si Nuo, I don't know if wild sand scorpion meat has any side effects. I'd like to try it for you." "

Student Si Nuo, I didn't eat much for dinner. I'm so hungry that I can't stand it! Just let me eat it." Take a bite."

"Student Si Nuo, I am willing to use star coins to buy the sand scorpion meat you made. You can just ask me a price, how much is it?" They completely forgot what they said before

when Si Nuo asked them to help pack the supplies. I was afraid that Si Nuo would force them to be guinea pigs to try sand scorpion meat.

Now, it's all because they are in a hurry to eat!

Si Nuo thought of his goal of trillions of followers, and now the people of the Huaman Empire have been conquered by him a lot, but the Ino Federation is still a treasure waiting to be excavated!

He cooked all kinds of delicacies in this survival challenge, originally mainly to attract fans of the Eno Federation.

Si Nuo didn't share the first plate of sand scorpion meat, mainly to appease his jealous Lei Dahei.

He smiled and said: "There are a lot of sand scorpion meat, if you don't mind, everyone come and taste it."

Said, Sino divided the crispy fried small sand scorpion meat out of the second pot into three parts, a big one was two Small ones, big ones for the seventeen Eno Federation student eliminators, small ones for the two Eno Federation teachers, and one for Lei Si and himself.

Compared with the leg meat of adult sand scorpions, the small sand scorpion meat is much more tender and smooth, with a crispy skin, a strong aroma, slightly spicy and delicious!

For the people of the Ino Federation, who have always eaten food made by various white water steaming and cooking methods, a mouthful of sand scorpion meat has opened the door to a new world-"Fuck, why the

world There is such a delicious food in the world!"

"Ma Ma, I was wrong, I shouldn't discriminate against sand scorpions for being ugly, but their meat is delicious!"

What's more, in addition to being delicious, it also contains incomparably abundant and pure food. The energy makes them feel that the whole person has received the most gentle comfort from the spirit and body.

For such an incomparable delicacy, they all want to say: "Kneel to eat every day!"

If there is any regret, that is, the portion is too small!

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