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Chapter 91

Si Nuo led his team of spiritual chefs, and cooked a full meal of sea, land and air, plus a full meal of special insect meat.

Seeing that the Sea Clan and the Yu Clan contributed a lot of fresh aquatic products and artificially raised insect meat respectively, Sino gave them five representatives to come and have a meal together.

The dishes made by Si Nuo himself are limited, and each of the outside Sea and Yu people can only get a small portion, but the dishes made by other spiritual chefs are enough.

Whether it is a sea tribe or a feather tribe, the main way of eating is raw food, mixed with various vegetable juices or fruit juices, and occasionally boiled or steamed for a change of taste.

It can be said that in terms of food culture, the Haiyu Starfield, which is naturally blocked by space barriers, is simply behind the Huayi Starfield, a junior starfield!

The Yu tribe and the sea tribe love the sky and the sea by nature, like flying and swimming, and yearn for the stars and the sea after turning into human form. Food is just a necessity for survival, and they don't spend too much time on it.

But I can't stand their life is too long, and the stars and the sea will be a bit boring after a long time. The only fun is to change to some fresh animal meat and eat it raw or boil it. This is purely a novelty and a psychological pursuit. Pleasure, the taste of raw animal meat is not as delicious as fish and insect meat!

The people of the Hai and Yu tribe who drink blood or steam it every day, at first glance, see a table full of complicated ancient Chinese dishes, and they all have a shocked expression of "what the hell is this dark cuisine?" They didn't dare to complain and express their dislike for the despotic power of the orcs.

But the people from the Sea Clan and the Yu Clan who came to try it all pushed each other, and they didn't want to be the first to try it.

Even though these dishes look exquisite and smell delicious and tempting...

But the stir-fried shredded squid makes the sea people of the giant Zhang clan feel a little pain in their feet, and the fish head with chopped peppers makes the megalodon feel a little bit of head pain. Pain, Coca-Cola Chicken Wings, Braised Phoenix Claws, etc., made the Yu people feel that their wings and claws hurt a little... The

orc people who came this time are really scary and cruel!

Si Nuo thought that the people of the Sea and Yu tribes were reserved and polite and embarrassed to start eating, so he quickly greeted them enthusiastically: "Everyone, let's have some pre-dinner soup first. Suckling pigeon, cordyceps, tea tree mushroom soup, and fish head tofu soup are all delicious. I made it with my own hands!"

The people of the Yu tribe trembled, although they loved insect meat the most and didn't mind eating some uncivilized poultry, but they couldn't do it, so they chopped them into pieces, braised them in brown sauce and stir-fried them. Ultra perverted cruel!

Although the Hai people love to eat aquatic products, they always have a light taste, advocating the original taste, boiled and steamed seldom, and see those weird dishes... For example, the big pot of red and oily spicy boiled fish is also My scalp is numb with fright.

Before, they thought that these orcs were just joking when they said they wanted to eat them, but now it seems that it is not a joke at all! These Orcs are so scary, they will eat anything! There are so many tricks to eat!

Lei Si didn't like these guys coming to snatch food, and almost wanted to drive them all out, and if he didn't want to eat, he didn't eat it. However, he had to take into account his daughter-in-law's great cause of attracting fans...

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