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Chapter 108 Star Beast Crown Prince

Following the breath fluctuations left by Chi Huo and Ji Qianlan, Si Nuo and Lei Si quickly found the place where they disappeared last - the first of the ten most dangerous places on the border of the Cangqing Empire - the Ruins of the Star Beast.

The so-called star beast ruins are a star area with the highest probability of star beasts appearing.

Star beasts come from the endless void. They only know how to kill and eat. They eat everything. They are the greatest enemy of human beings in the interstellar age. Fortunately, there will only be a wave of star beasts once in a hundred years. Although there are occasional star beasts, they are rare. .

The killed star beasts, after the useful materials are extracted, because their bodies are too large, the remaining bodies are thrown on the non-livable garbage stars, because the star beasts eat the corpses of their companions when they are hungry, This attracts more star beasts...

Except for the soldiers guarding the security cordon and some star beast hunters who are desperate to hunt star beasts for resources, no one wants to come to such a dangerous place.

Unexpectedly, Chi Huo and Ji Qianlan would come here...

The more dangerous the place, the more likely it is to breed high-grade ingredients, Si Nuo can understand, but thinking that the ingredients are likely to grow from the corpses of star beasts, Si Nuo Nuo is still somewhat unacceptable...

Lei Si is now at the peak of the eighth level. In the half a year since returning to the Cangqing Empire, with the cultivation of unlimited 100% pure high-grade ingredients, his mental strength and physical fitness have been raised to 4S level , The sensitivity to space energy sensing has also improved a lot.

After careful sensing, Lei Si discovered that the place where Chi Huo and Ji Qianlan's aura disappeared was in the void several hours away from the star beast ruined garbage star, not in the direction of the garbage star.

Si Nuo breathed a sigh of relief, but soon became worried again: "Could it be that Master and the others broke the void and went to another star field?"

Lei Si said: "The energy of space tearing is more violent and unstable, so it shouldn't be from other stars. It seems to have fallen into the endless void... Or, the two masters probably went for the star beast in the void, which is the only creature that surpasses level nine in the records of the Encyclopedia of Interstellar Creatures..."

The so-called endless void is the space channel that has been compressed during the space shuttle. Various space storm vortexes, black holes, etc. may appear at any time. The relatively short-distance, stable space channel has a very small chance of encountering space storms. Just a quick shuttle to and from and not much of a problem.

If the space or time span of the shuttle is relatively large, the chance of encountering a space storm will be greatly increased.

In addition to space storms in the void, there are also star beasts that live in the void. There is only one more word for star beasts and star beasts, and there is also a great relationship between the two.

The star beasts feed on violent space energy, and they are born beyond the ninth level, so they cannot survive in the normal interstellar world. Biology is of no interest.

Star beasts only live in the void of higher dimensions. They are peaceful in nature, petite in size, and shaped like water droplets.

There is a record of the Star Beast, because the Cangqing royal Lei family has produced many space power users, space power users above S level can shuttle across the star field, and the number of shuttles is too many, occasionally encountering one or two times The star beast is not surprising either.

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