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Hi! Welcome to my TOH oneshot (and other stuff) book! So first things first, I probably won't be doing any x-readers. I don't have anything against x-readers, I'm just not good at writing those. I will be doing ship and platonic oneshots, though, and I take requests! I will not write smut, lemons, limes, or any of that. So if that's what you're into, I'm sorry. I will write fluff, angst, and a mix of the two. I will write any ship except for:
●Any !nce$t cuz that's disgusting
●Any romantic ship with Lillith in it because she's canonically aroace
●Any boy×Amity because she's lesbian
●Any romantic ship with King cuz idk that's just really weird imo
●Boscha×Any of the Hexside kids other than Willow. I will do Boscha x Skara and Boscha×Willow tho if you guys request it
●Luz×Hunter. That's just not my cup of tea, sorry
●Beastiality (animals×humans)
Also here are oneshot content codes:
🌧Fluff and angst
❤Romantic ship
This is getting long so I'm gonna wrap it up. I might not update very frequently because of school and stuff but I'll try to update as much as I can. Also my favorite ship is Raeda so there will be quite a bit of that. I hope you guys enjoy! Byeeeee

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