The kiss

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This takes place a couple months after my oneshot "Love"

Alador's POV:
It's been a a few months now since Odalia and I got the divorce, and I'm feeling a lot better about it than I was, thanks to Darius.

He's barely left my side since he found me crying that day. I guess he didn't want to leave me alone after everything. He's so sweet.

Anyway, I'm sitting on my couch with Darius. The kids are upstairs, so it's just us. It's pretty quiet. An awkward quiet. Not awkward like when Odalia and I would sit next to eachother, but a different kind of awkward.

It's hard to explain, but lately, I've been feeling different around Darius. Not a bad different, I'm not upset at him or anything, I've just been feeling a different way around him.

It's like I'm in love with him, but I'm sure I'm not. Not Darius. We're just friends. And even if I did love him, he probably doesn't love me back anyway. Plus, I told myself that after Odalia I didn't want anyone else.

There's no way I love Darius. But he's so sweet and handsome and...I don't know. I just know that something has been different with us.

After a few more minutes of silence, Darius speaks. "Al?" He says.

"Yes?" I reply, turning to face him.

"Um, I know you might still be uncomfortable with the thought of a relationship after Odalia, but I've realized that I have feelings for you and I just thought you might want to know. It's okay if you're uncomfortable with the thought of it, though. You don't have to say anything, either, I just-"

I cut him off by starting to kiss him, but I stop myself. Whoah! What am I doing? I can't kiss Darius!

He must've noticed what I was going to do, because he leans in to kiss me too, and actually does it.

Okay, so maybe I can kiss Darius then. He puts his arms around me as we kiss, and I do the same.

Kissing him is the most extraordinary feeling in the world, way more exciting than it ever was with Odalia.

It feels like there's actual love behind this kiss, not just mild tolerance. It's nice.
Darius' POV:

Holy Titan I'm kissing Alador Blight. I'm kissing him. Actually kissing him. Something I've been dreaming of doing since I was 15. Holy Titan. It's amazing.

It's exactly like I imagined it would be, maybe even better. The best thing about it is, he was going to kiss me. Not the other way around.

Maybe he actually loves me back. I mean, he must. One doesn't just kiss someone they don't love. Well, unless it's Odalia, but I'm not Odalia.

Surely he likes me a little more than Odalia, right? I'm overthinking. The only thing I should be thinking about is kissing Alador and how much I love him.

I can't believe this is finally happening. I never thought I'd ever be able to experience this. It's incredible.

We pull away after a few more seconds, slightly gasping. He smiles at me. I do the same.

He looks so happy. Genuinely happy. I smile more, knowing that I might be the reason he looks so happy.

He hugs me, burying his head in my shoulder. I hug him back, so happy that he's happy.

After a few seconds we both pull away and he says, "So...does this mean we're..." he doesn't finish, but I know what he's trying to say.

"Yes. if you want to, of course." I reply, looking into his gorgeous eyes.

"Of course I want to! I love you, and I guess I'm just now realizing that." He says, lightly chuckling as he says the last part. I also laugh a little bit.

"I love you too, Al." I say, kissing him on the cheek. Needless to say, that was one of the happiest moments of my life.

The End💙 MORE DARIDOR! YAY! It's about time I wrote more of that lol. Anyway, I hope you guys like this one! I'll be writing more of this ship soon. Anyway, byeeee!💙

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