Losing game (part 1)

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This oneshot was requested by @readreadreadwing

It's a really neat idea and I'm excited to write it! ⚠Warnings⚠:Spoilers for the end of Season 2, yelling, crying

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It's a really neat idea and I'm excited to write it!
⚠Warnings⚠:Spoilers for the end of Season 2, yelling, crying

The Collector's POV:
King told me that if I helped his friends, we could play, so I stopped the draining spell.

I was glad I had gotten rid of Belos by splatting him against a wall. I didn't want to play with him anymore. He was mean. He was hurting people. I didn't want to hurt people, I just wanted to play. I just wanted friends. Real friends.

I knew King was a real friend. He really wanted to play games with me. And his other friends, they wanted to play, too. They seemed really excited to play Owl House.

I was about to grab King's paw and take him into the sky along with his friends so we could all play together, but then Belos reformed. He slid off of the wall and across the floor. Luz and all of her friends ran the other direction, towards the portal to the Human Realm.

"Wait! Where are you guys going? I thought we were gonna play!" I called.

I ran towards them. All of a sudden, I heard King yelp.

"King!" I yelled. "Let him go!" I told Belos.

I tried to push him out of the way with my powers, but I ended up destroying the walls and floor of the cave we were in instead.

"No! King! Come back!" I yelled as the entire cave started to fall apart.

"I think there's a way out!" Luz's friend with the glasses said.

I didn't wanna leave King with Belos. I wanted to save him, but everything was collapsing, and the more I tried to help, the more I ended up ruining everything.

"Luz, come on!" The purple-haired girl yelled.

"Everyone! King! Eda! I-I can't just leave them!" She replied.

"Luz! Please!" The purple girl said as she grabbed Luz's hand. Luz looked back at King and followed the girl.

"Come on, Collector!" The little one yelled. I later learned that his name is Gus.

I wasn't going to leave King alone as Belos held onto him. He didn't even do anything, he just held him like a toy in front of me as King struggled to escape.

"Hunter! Collector!" Gus called again. The boy apparently named Hunter and I followed.

I didn't want to cause anymore trouble, and I thought maybe I'd be able to fix everything if I was further back.

Hunter turned the handle of the portal door, and we saw rain. Human rain.

"It's human rain, it's okay!" Gus said before him, Hunter and the girl with glasses ran out the door.

I tried to save King more by moving him toward me with my powers but it didn't work. I was still messing things up. I was messing things up so bad that Luz had to use her Titan magic paper to hold the portal together.

"Luz, what are you doing?" The purple-haired girl asked.

"I-I have to get Eda and King! We'll find a way back to you!"

Just then, I heard a sound. "Weh!"

It was King. He used his power to escape Belos for a minute, but I was sure he was going to get King back soon.

"King! C'mon, we'll get out of here!" I said.

He was trying to move towards me, but he couldn't. I had destroyed everything and he couldn't make it through all the rubble, but he jumped towards Luz and she grabbed his paw.

"King!" She exclaimed. "We gotta stick together, we gotta stick together." She said desperately as he was starting to slip away into the rubble of my mess.

"Yeah King! Come on! I'll save you, I'll fix this,  I know I can! We can escape, just like you and Luz and Eda have done a thousand times! You can escape!" I said, hopeful.

"I'm sorry. Not this time." He said sadly in response to both of us. "But I can keep you safe. I can keep both of you safe."

"No. No!" I heard Luz say.

"Luz, I'm so happy I had you as a big sister. There's so many wonderful memories I never would've had if it wasn't for you. And Collector, I wish I could play more games with you. I know you didn't mean to do any of this."

He then inhaled. "WEH!" He yelled very loudly, slipping into the sky and slamming all of us into the portal and out into the human rain.

"No! KING!" Luz yelled as she ran towards a beat-up looking shed.

We saw King one last time before the door slammed shut. She opened and closed the door over and over again, but it was no use. The portal was gone.

I didn't know what to do. None of us knew what to do. Luz turned towards all of us.

I don't know what she looked like, but she didn't look happy. No one looked happy.

Gus had liquid coming from his eyes and he collapsed onto the ground. What had I done?

"Where's King going? What's gonna happen, Luz?" I asked.

Luz's POV:
I wanted to scream at The Collector. I wanted to scream and tell them that this was all their fault. But it wasn't their fault.

He wasn't trying to do anything wrong. He just wanted to save King. He probably didn't want to help Belos with that draining spell, he must've been forced to. And it was my fault that Belos had met them in the first place.

He was just a kid. He wasn't trying to hurt anyone. Just like King had said, he didn't mean to do any of this. So I walked over to them and gave them a hug.

"I don't know, buddy. But we'll find a way to save him, okay? We'll find a way to save everyone and get back home. Even if it takes a really long time. For now, let's just find somewhere to go. I know just the place."

I then grabbed his and Amity's hands and we walked to my house. My human house. I knocked on the door. My mom opened it and gasped. 

"Hey mom. I'm back." I said as tears filled my eyes. I didn't care that I was crying. I just wanted to lie down for an eternity. This was the worst night ever.

Not the end💙 There is 100% going to be a part 2. I hope you all like this part, though, especially the person who requested it. See you guys in the next part! Byeeeee

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