In love?

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This takes place before my oneshot "Confession"

Raine's POV:
Me and Eda were friends. Best friends, actually, but that was it. Nothing more than best friends. At least that's what I thought at first. Until I started noticing just how pretty Eda was.

Her beautiful, bright orange hair, her big golden eyes, her cute smile. Titan, she was gorgeous. Really gorgeous. She was all I could think about.

In class, at home, literally anywhere. She was the only thing ever on my mind. I couldn't help it. Even if I tried to ignore my feelings, that cute little witch just kept popping up in my head.

But thinking about her all the time wasn't the problem. It was the way I acted around her that was a pain.

I couldn't be around her without blushing, stuttering, and being an absolute mess. All she had to do was breathe and I'd look like a tomato. It was very annoying.

I loved being around her, though. I just wished I wasn't so...blushy around her.

I remember one day, she came to school with her long hair in a braid. It was so beautiful. She looked amazing. More amazing than usual.

When I saw her with her braid for the first time outside on the school's lawn, I think I exploded.

"Wow! Eda you look...beautiful."

I'm surprised I even got the words out. I was afraid my entire brain was going to malfunction.

Eda's POV:
My entire brain was going to malfunction. Raine just told me I looked beautiful. RAINE. I had a crush on Raine. A HUGE crush on Raine. I loved every single thing about them.

I loved their pastel colored hair, their green eyes, their cute dorky smile, the face they made when they were concentrating on playing their violin. Everything.

I tried my best not to show it, but sometimes that was difficult.

Like now for instance, when they called me beautiful. Sure, plenty of people have said I'm pretty, or cute, but I didn't care all that much when other people said it. I did, however, care that Raine called me beautiful.

Did they really call me beautiful or was I just imagining it? I must've taken too long to respond because Raine asked "Eda, are you okay?"

Darn. They're gonna start overthinking and think that I don't like them anymore or something. Craaaaap.

"No! I mean yes! Yes, I'm okay, no, don't worry about anything because I'm okay and I'm not mad at you or anything I just...uhhhh"

They were looking at me funny.


Good grief.

Raine's POV:
Well that caught me a bit off guard. I think that's the most aggressive way anyone's ever complemented me.

I didn't know how to respond. Was I supposed to aggressively thank her, or normally thank her, or tell her she's beautiful again, or kiss her...NO.

No kisses. That would make the situation even more awkward and blushy and weird and I'd have to ask her first (consent is important y'all) which might result in her saying no, or me being too awkward to actually do it, her thinking I don't like her or something, even though I totally do. And...AGH. Let's just leave it at no kissing.

I still didn't know how to respond, but I didn't want to ignore her, so I said

"Aw shucks."

REALLY? THAT'S HOW I DECIDED TO RESPOND?? Jeez. I wouldn't be surprised if Eda decided to just cut me out of her life completely after that. That was so dorky.

Eda's POV:

"You're so cute." NO WHY DID I SAY THAT?? I blushed. They blushed. We were both a blushing mess.

"I-I mean, um..." Just then the bell rang for classes to start. Saved by the bell. Almost.

"You're cute, too." They said, kissing me on the cheek before walking up the stairs to go to their class.

I blushed even more and stood there for a few seconds, before walking to my own class. I didn't pay attention in any of my classes that day.

The End💙 AWWW MORE BABY RAEDAAAAAA. Yeah, there's gonna be a lot of this, so for those of you that like the gay little beans, you're in luck. See y'all in the next part! Byeeeeeee

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