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This oneshot takes place in the present (my present, so when they're married) all of my Raeda oneshots will take place in the present unless I say otherwise.

Eda's POV:
I had gone out to buy some Apple Blood. When I got home, I greeted Hooty, opened the door, and walked inside.

As I walked in, shutting the door behind me, I heard music. Violin music. It was beautiful, but not as beautiful as the music Raine plays. Nothing could ever be as beautiful as Raine's music.

Anyway, when I walked into the kitchen to put my Apple Blood away, I saw Raine. They were dancing to the beautiful music.

They never danced much, so I was amazed to see them dancing at that moment. They were twirling, stepping, dancing as if there was someone else dancing with them.

I giggled a bit. Raine heard. They immediately stopped and blushed.

"E-eda! Hi hon!" They stuttered, evidently embarrassed that I had found them.

"Hi, Rainestorm. Your dancing was beautiful. I bet it'd be even more beautiful if you had someone to dance with." I said, walking over to them.

They smiled a little bit. "Yeah, I bet it would." They replied, grabbing my hand.

I wasn't sure how I was going to dance with them when I only had one good hand, but I'd find a way.

They put their other hand on my waist. We began to dance to the pretty violin music that was still playing.

We danced like we were one person. Like we were no longer Raine and Eda, but a mixture of the two of us.

We twirled, glided, stepped, and swayed together better than I ever could have by myself. It was so fun.

Raine is such an amazing dancer. I'm convinced there's nothing they can't do.

We danced for at least 30 minutes, even thought it felt like only 10 seconds.

When we finally tired ourselves out, we sat on the couch, Raine in my arms.

"That was fun." Raine said as they cuddled closer to me.

"Yeah, it was. We should do that all the time." I replied, kissing them on the head.

They smiled. "We can. I'd love that."

We stayed like that for a while. Everyday I spent with Raine is like dancing to the most beautiful, graceful, intricate music ever. I love them.

The End💙 "Yayyy the author is writing fluffy Raeda again!!!" Someone is probably saying right now. Probably not, but like, I'm going to imagine someone's saying that. Anyway, yeah, Raeda, WOOHOO! There will be much more Raeda fluff, I guarantee. I hope you guys like this one even though it's short. I thought it was super cute. Also, Raine totally calls Eda "hon" all the time. I will not let anyone convince me other wise. You know, since I've been under-posting recently, I'll post twice tonight. :) No angst, either, as a treat. See y'all in the next part, byeeeee
P.S. I know I say y'all a lot, I'm a wannabe cowboy, so....(I wanna be a cOWbOy bAbY!) Can you guys tell I'm in a good mood? lol. Okay, byeeeee for real this time

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