What ships do y'all want?

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(That amazing gif is not mine. I found it on Google and the creator's name is actually on there)

So as you all can probably tell, my favorite TOH ship is Raeda. So there's a lot of that. But do you guys want other ships? Cuz I've only written one other romantic-ish ship in this book and that's Daridor. I might write more of those two in the future. Maybe. Just let me know what y'all want. Do you guys want more Raeda, or some different ships? They don't have to be just romantic, either. I love writing platonic ships, too. Especially platonic Lillith×Eda, so there's gonna be more of that for sure. Again, just let me know. For now, lots of Raeda and platonic Lilleda. See y'all later. Byeeeeee

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