The first step

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Platonic-ish Gustholomule. I'll be writing more of this soon, it's so cute.

Matt's POV:
I have a crush on Gus. That's a random thing to say, I know, but that's all I've been able to think about lately.

I don't know why, he used to get on my nerves, but now he's...I don't know, cute. And funny and really sweet.

I'm definitely not going to tell him I like him yet, but it might he a good idea if I tell him I'm gay, so that's what I'll be doing later today after school.

Class has only just started, so I still have a little while until I tell him. I'm really nervous. I'm not sure why. It'll be fine, surely.

*Time skip brought to you by Hooty singing Little Miss Perfect. Pls look that up on YouTube if for some reason you've never heard it. It's so amazing*

Well, school's over for the day. It's finally time to tell Gus that I'm gay. I texted him earlier and told him to meet me outside of school and he said he would, so I'm waiting for him now. After about a minute he shows up.

"Hey Mattholomule! What's up?" He says as he stands in front of me.

"Hey Gus. I have something to tell you." I reply, getting even more nervous all of a sudden.

"Oh, okay. Is everything alright?" He says.

"Yeah, everything's cool, don't worry. It's just um, I'm gay. I don't really know why I felt the need to tell you that, it's not really important but um, yeah, just thought you should know." I say quickly, wanting to get it over with as soon as possible.

"Oh awesome!" He replies. "Oh I mean, um, that sounded weird, just, um, that's cool dude!" He adds, blushing.

I start blushing too, for whatever reason.

"I guess if we're telling each other our sexualities, I'm bi." He says after a few seconds. "Bi the way." He adds, smiling.

I laugh. He's such a dork. I'm relieved that he's bi, though. That means I might possibly have a chance with him.

"Oh cool!" I reply. I'm not sure what else I could say that wouldn't sound suspicious. "That pun was not cool, however." I add, smiling.

He playfully rolls his eyes in response. Titan, he's cute.

Anyway, after a few minutes of us talking, we go our separate ways and head home. I'm glad I told Gus that I'm gay. Now I just need to do the next step. Tell him my feelings for him.

The End💙 I know this one isn't that great, but I hope you all liked it still. Byeeeee💙

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