You hate the girl I love

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No ship, just Odalia being an asshat.
This oneshot was requested by zgonz101
⚠Warnings⚠:Crying, yelling, Odalia being Odalia

Amity's POV:
"I don't understand! Why can't you just leave me alone? I love her, mom! I don't care if she's a human! She's kind, and funny, and a really amazing person, something you aren't!"

I put my hands over my mouth as I say the last part. I didn't mean to say that, really. It's just so frustrating that my mom seems to care so much about what species my girlfriend is.

"I'm sorry, mom I didn't-" I start to say, but she cuts me off. "So much attitude. I'm doing this for your own good, Mittens. I just don't think it's a good idea for you to be dating that human. She's not like us. You know what people will start saying if they find out that Amity Blight, the Amity Blight, is dating a human! And under our watch! The people will be merciless, Amity. I just don't want you to go through that. I want you to be happy, and having to deal with criticism like that won't make you happy."

"You don't care about whether or not I'm happy! You only care about yourself! That's all you've ever cared about. You don't care about what I want, or what Edric wants, or Emira, or even dad! You don't really care about any of us! If you did, you would let us be happy instead of trying to control every little thing we do. If you really cared, you wouldn't care if Luz is human or not. You would want me to be happy no matter what. This doesn't make me happy! Not one bit! This makes me feel like I can't do anything without you having something to say about it!"

I don't even realize that I'm crying until my voice breaks. "Don't cry, dear. There are plenty of other girls your age that are suitable. What about that Boscha girl? Her parents are very successful witches, and she's pretty, right? You're friends, too, you're perfect for each other!"

I cannot believe what I'm hearing. "No we aren't! She's not a good person, mom! She's rude, and selfish, and stuck-up! I don't care if she's pretty, she's not Luz!" I yell through my tears. My mom smiles maliciously.

"Oh darling, that's a good thing. Luz is...different. Too different. We just can't have someone like her in the family. It would ruin our reputation for sure. You don't want that, do you?" She says, walking towards me and starting to put her hand on my shoulder. I shove her away.

"I don't care about our reputation. Not in the slightest. I care about Luz. She makes me happier than I've been in years, and if you can't stop being selfish and arrogant long enough to see that, then I'm sorry, but I'm not going to give her up because you say so. It's not your choice. You can't control me your entire life, Mom. I have to grow up sometime." She starts to say something, but someone stops her.

"Leave her alone, Mom." It's Edric. Mom starts talking to him now instead of me. "Thank you." I mouth as I walk away. When I get into my room, I sit on my bed and start crying more. I pull up a picture of Luz on my scroll. I smile a bit as I look at her pretty face. I love her so much, I don't care if my mother doesn't.

The End💙 I hope y'all like this one, especially the person who requested it. I really liked writing this one, so I hope you liked it as well. See y'all in the next part, byeeee💙

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