An annoying encounter

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This chapter is a collab with my bestie DerpyReader129 so thanks to them for working with me on this chapter and I hope y'all enjoy!!
⚠Warnings⚠: Homophobia

Mystery person's POV:
"Eda, Raine, Lilith, and I were in the Human Realm. Eda was the only one who really knew the way around, so she thought it would be cool to give us a tour.

We were walking along the sidewalk of a human town and looking through the windows of all the different human shops. Lilith was carrying me, and Raine and Eda were being gross and affectionate, as usual.

They were holding hands and being all lovey-dovey, when all of a sudden, this rude-looking lady walked up to us and looked at them with a look of pure disgust.

'You know, it's not right for two women to date each other.' She said in the most horrific voice I've ever heard.

Lilith looked like she was going to throw up at this lady's comment, but Eda laughed like she'd just heard the funniest joke in the world.

'That's great and all, but my partner isn't a girl, sooo...' She said, continuing to hold Raine's hand and walking past the lady.

'Oh that's a man?' The lady asked, apparently finding it extremely difficult to leave us alone.

'Nope, they're nonbinary." Eda said, sounding annoyed. She began walking a little bit faster. Raine looked extremely uncomfortable.

'That's stupid, there are only two genders!' The lady yelled, walking just as fast as Eda.

Both Eda and Lilith were starting to look really annoyed.

'Nope, more than two.' Eda said in response.

'Ugh, this generation. I can't believe what it's coming to.' The lady said. I really wished she would shut up.

'Do you have a boyfriend?' She asked Lilith.

'No, I'm aroace. I don't feel romantic or sexual attraction to anyone. Now please leave us alone.' Lilith replied, also walking quickly.

'Oh my gosh. I'm so tired of hearing all the new things people are coming up with these days. You're just confused, honey.'

That's when Lilith snapped. 'I'm not confused and I'm not going to let you keep bothering us. Now leave.'

She said. Her voice was a lot deeper than usual.

'Well jeez, I'm just trying to help you. Straighten y'all out a little bit.' The lady replied. It all happened pretty quickly, but all of a sudden, Lilith pushed the lady to the ground.

'Oh I'll show you how to straighten someone out!' She said, handing me to Eda and beginning to stomp the lady to death."

"King! That's not what happened!" Eda said, completely ruining my story.

"Well it's a lot cooler than what actually happened!" I replied, hoping to finish my story.

"What actually happened then?" Luz asked, looking both angered and intrigued by my story.

"That lady said her thing about straightening us out, I kissed Raine right in front of her, then took Lilith by the hand and we ran away from her as fast as we could." Eda replied.

"My version was cooler." I mumbled.

"Sure it was." She responded, laughing.

"Wow, that sounds...exciting. And annoying." Luz said, picking me up.

"Yeah, it was annoying. Raine and Lilli had to deal with the most crap, though." Eda said, grabbing Raine's hand.

"I like your version of the story, King." Lilith said, smiling.

"Thank you! I'm glad someone does!" I replied, causing everyone to laugh.

"That was something I never want to experience again." Raine said, shuddering.

"Me neither, Rainestorm." Eda said as she kissed Raine.

"Ugh. Affection." I said hiding my face in Luz's chest. Everyone laughed. That day was pretty cool, minus the crazy woman.

The End🌈 I hope y'all liked this one! Thanks again to my bestie for helping me with this one, and for all of the lovely people who have to deal with homophobes or transphobes, don't listen to them. I know it can be really hard to just listen to someone say hurtful things about who you are, or for someone to do hurtful things because of who you are, but as long as you know that you're amazing and perfect the way you are, no one else's opinions matter. There are people somewhere who accept you for who you are, even if they haven't shown up yet. For those of you who don't have someone who accepts you yet, you're valid, wonderful, and absolutely amazing. Keep slaying, royalty.💅🌈 Having said that, byeeeee! See you in the next chapter!💙

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