First date

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Teenage Raeda❤☁
This takes place about a week after my oneshot "Confession"

Raine's POV:
It's around 5:30 PM and Eda and I are sitting in my yard, holding hands, as usual. She's telling me a story about a prank she pulled at school today. She's already told me this story three times but I love listening to her talk, so I don't mind. As she talks, I watch the way her eyes light up when she gets excited, and the way she moves her hands around. She's telling me her favorite part of the story, when all of a sudden she says, "Raine! We should go on a date!" Slightly startled by the random subject change, I say, "Uh...yeah! That would be awesome! When?" "Right now!" She replies, grabbing my wrist and standing up, bringing me with her. Almost falling over, I say, "Right now? Of course I'd love to, but it's 5:30! Isn't that kind of late for a date?" "Nah, it's never too late for a date! Plus, it's not like a regular date. It won't take too long." "Oh, okay. My hair is kind of a mess, though." I reply as I attempt to smooth my hair down. Eda snorts and ruffles it, making it 10 times messier than it already was. "Eda! Nooo!" I say, laughing and trying to make my hair look decent. "You're a dork! It looks fine!" She says, also laughing. She then grabs my wrist and starts running, dragging me with her. "I-what?! Uh, BYE MOMS!" I yell as I start running with her. "Where are we going exactly?" I ask. Eda smiles her beautiful, bright smile and replies, "You'll see, Rainestorm!" "Ok!" I reply, giggling. After a few minutes, we stop running. "We're here!" Eda exclaims, picking up a dirty looking suitcase off of the ground and opening it. Inside is something I don't even have the words to describe. "Whoah! Eda, what is this?" I ask, wondering what kind of date this'll be. "It's a portal! It leads to a place with humans! Real humans! I've seen 'em! I thought I'd take you there for our first date. It's so beautiful out there." "Wow! Humans?!" "Yep! You'll love it! Let's go!" She says as she steps into the portal, still holding my wrist. As soon as we step into the portal, I'm amazed. The Human Realm is beautiful. The sky is dark, covered with grey clouds. The wind is blowing a bit, causing the trees to sway. "Wow, Eda. You're right. It is beautiful out here." She then lets go of my wrist and holds my hand instead. "Yeah, it really is." As we walk into the grass, a door slams behind us, and I jump, causing Eda to burst into laughter. "It's just the portal door, Rainestorm." I blush, slightly embarrassed of my reaction. Eda laughs a little more and sits down in the grass. I sit as well. She lays her head on my shoulder and we sit in silence, taking in the beauty of a place I've never even dreamed of seeing in person. Suddenly, it starts to rain a little bit. "WOOHOO! IT'S RAINING!" Eda exclaims, jumping up and letting go of my hand. I get up as well, slightly nervous. Rain isn't the thing in the Boiling Isles. Eda must be able to tell that I'm worried because she says, "Don't worry, no boiling rains in the Human Realm!" She then twirls around a bit, smiling her beautiful smile again. I smile as well. She's so pretty. I stand and watch Eda for a bit until she says, "What are you doing just standing there, dingus? Dance!" I start to walk towards her, but then she pulls me towards her, grabs my left hand, and twirls me around. We then attempt to slow dance. Neither of us know how to, so I'm sure it looks kind of pathetic, but it's the most fun I've ever had, so I don't care. We continue to dance as it rains harder. After a few minutes of dancing, I slip and fall into a bit of mud. Eda laughs at me for what seems like forever, but then plops herself right next to me and lays her head on my shoulder again. "Titan, this is fun. I love this. I love you." She says happily. "I always thought this place was cool on my own, but it's so much cooler now that you're here, Rainestorm." "I love you too, Calamity. This is fun. Thank you for bringing me here." I reply as I kiss her on the cheek. She blushes a little and says, "No problem." We sit there for a while, listening to the rain and telling dumb stories. It might sound like kind of a weird first date to other people, but it's perfect to me. I couldn't ask for anything better.

Yay! More Raeda!!❤❤ It's been a hot minute since I did one of these end-of-story announcement thingies, huh? Anyway, Raeda! I love Raeda💕 Do y'all want more of that? Or is there another ship you want me to write more of? Just let me know, I'll write whatever! (As long as it's legal. Ain't nobody got time for Eda×Lilith or some weird crap like that) Anyway byeeeee!💙 See y'all later!💙🌼💙🌼💙🌼💙🌼

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