Second chance

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1-sided Boschlow, platonic/romantic

This takes place in the non-canon version of the last episode. Just for clarification, yes I still ship Huntlow, but this ship is kinda cute too and I'm a multishipper. Anyway, enjoy!

Boscha's POV:
Everything is back to normal. That crazy little kid isn't destroying things anymore and everyone is safe again.

I see Willow with her dads. It's kind of sweet. I just reunited with all my friends so I'm feeling happier than usual.

I'm feeling so happy that I think I'm going to walk over to Willow since she's done hugging her dads and starting to walk to a different spot.

"Hey Willow!" I exclaim, my voice a little higher-pitched than normal.

"Hi Boscha!" Willow replies, just as happy-sounding, but I'm sure she is confused as to why I'm being so nice.

Everyone knows I haven't been the kindest to Willow, which is dumb because she's so sweet, and kind, and adorable, and pretty.

Yes, pretty. I guess I do have kind of a crush on Willow. I mean, it's hard not to. She's extremely cute, even though I haven't acknowledged it.

I haven't acknowledged anything nice about Willow, even though I definitely think about all the nice things about her.

I'm going to tell her today, though. Im going to let her know how I really feel about her, and that I think she's the prettiest girl in the world, because it's true, she is.

She probably won't care, though. I've been a huge jerk to her since we were kids. I wouldn't love me either.

It's okay, though. If she doesn't love me back, I at least want her to know that I'm done being mean and that I would love to be her friend.

I stop walking. So does she.

"Willow, um, I know this is random, and probably really weird and I don't know what you'll think when I tell you this, but I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everything I've said and done to you. I know sorry doesn't make up for any of what I did, but I just want you to know that I feel bad about it." I say, looking at my feet the entire time.

I'm too scared to look at her, I don't know why.

I finally decide to look up at her, and she gives me a sweet smile.

"Aw, it's okay, Boscha. Sure, what you did wasn't great, but everyone deserves a second chance, and I'd be more than willing to give you one!" She replies, hugging me.

I hug back. She's so sweet. When we pull away, she smiles at me again. I smile back. The first genuine smile I've given in what feels like years.

All of a sudden I hear someone calling her name.

"Oh, I think Hunter needs me. See you later, Boscha!" She says, waving goodbye before walking in the other direction. I wave back.

"See you later, Willow!"

Okay, so maybe I won't confess my love to her just yet. I'd love to just be her friend first. And maybe I'll only ever be her friend, and that's okay, too. I'm just glad I got a second chance.

Woohoo! Boschlow! Kind of! I hope y'all found this one cool, I might write some more Boschlow in the future, Idk. But until then, byeeeee, see you in the next part!

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