Getting married (part 1)

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Raeda wedding!!❤☁

Raine's POV:
I was in Darius' bathroom getting ready so I wouldn't see Eda's wedding outfit. They say it's bad luck to see the bride before the wedding.

"This is it. Today's the day I finally get to make Eda my wife." I tell myself as I comb my hair.

It's only 20 minutes until the wedding. Until I finally get to call Eda my wife. I'm so excited. And...nervous? I shouldn't be nervous. The hardest part is already over with. I already asked her to marry me and she said yes. Now all I have to do is say everything I've been thinking about.

How much I love her, how I will continue to love her until death do us part, how I'll love her in sickness and in health, and then I have to kiss her. I do that all the time, so why am I so worried? I'll be fine.

This is going to be the best day of my life. I love her with my whole heart, and I know she loves me just as much.

This is what we've been waiting for. To finally be able to say, "I'm married to the love of my life."

"You'll be fine." I reassure myself as I put Eda's golden earrings in my ears.

I look at myself in the mirror. I look at my wedding dress. My pearl necklace (courtesy of Luz).

I look at the scars on my face directly under my eyes. This is who Eda agreed to marry. I might not be perfect, but Eda loves me so I'm going to try my best to be perfect for her.

It's almost time to leave. I look at myself one last time before stepping out of the bathroom.

I walk into the living room, where Darius is standing, wearing a suit.

"Raine! There you are!" He says, smiling. "You look stunning! Eda's going to love your dress!"

"Thank you, Darius! I hope she does." He puts his hand on my shoulder.

"She'll love it. She loves you." He says, making me smile. He's right. Eda does love me.

"Now come on, you don't want to be late to your own wedding." He adds, laughing.

I laugh, too, as we walk out the door and begin flying to my wedding. This is going to be amazing.

Eda's POV:
"I can't believe it. I'm getting married. I'M GETTING MARRIED." I say to myself as I adjust my bowtie.

There is barely any time left until my wedding. Our wedding. "Me" is never going to be "me" anymore. It'll always be "us" from now on. It has been for about a year and a half now, but now it'll be "us" forever and ever. Always.

Some people might be nervous to never be just themselves again. Some people would be scared to be "us" for the rest of their lives, but I've always wanted to be "us".

I was "us" for a little while. Raine and I were always together, never apart.

They were the first person I felt understood me after I was cursed. They didn't care that I was scary. They didn't mind the feathers, the random bursts of anger when even the smallest things happened. They were right there with me for all of it.

Then we became partners, and I felt like I really wasn't alone anymore. Raine really didn't care about what everyone else found scary. They were willing to date me and put up with all of my quirks.

They loved me. They really loved me. And then I ruined it. I pushed them away because I was too scared that I would lose the most important part of my life.

And then I lost them. But they came back. They showed me just how much they still love me, and even decided they still want to be my partner.

AND THEN THEY PROPOSED. To me, of all people.

That must mean something. If they care about me enough to spend their entire life with me, I must be at least a little bit special.

Special enough that Raine Whispers, the most amazing, talented, smart, kind witch on the Boiling Isles, wants to be "us" with me again. For good this time.

And that's what's about to happen. We're finally going to be "us" again. I can't wait.

I look at myself in the mirror of my bedroom. I look at my suit. My beautiful, snazzy black tuxedo. And then I look at the rest of me.

My short, messy hair, my little arm nub, and my different colored eyes. Things that a lot of people might find strange, ugly, maybe even scary.

Things that Raine finds beautiful. I can't wait to marry them. I don't have to wait much longer. It's almost time.

I decide to go ahead and leave. We're having an outdoor wedding. On our hill. The place where so many important things have happened to us. I hop on my staff.

"Come on, Owlbert, it's time for me to go become a wife!" I exclaim, smiling.

As we're flying, I smile bigger than I think I've ever smiled in my life. I'm gonna get married!

To be continued💙
Ahhhhh Raeda! And platonic Rarius :) I hope you guys are as excited for this as I am. The actual wedding is going to be so fun to write! Gahhhh. See you guys in the next part!

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