Goodnight, Sunshine

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No one's POV:
It was a dark, quiet night at the Owl House. Neither Raine nor Eda could sleep. The two of them were lying on their backs and looking at the ceiling, King sleeping at their feet.

Raine barely ever went to sleep right away, but Eda usually had no trouble sleeping as long as Raine was with her. Tonight was the exception.

"Hey Raine?" She said quietly, careful not to startle them or wake King up.

"Yes?" They replied, turning over to face their wife. Eda turned as well.

"I love you." She said, cuddling closer to Raine and wrapping her arms around them as she buried her face in their chest.

Raine smiled, wrapping their arms around her in return. "I love you too, Sunshine."

"I know I say it a lot, but I mean it every time I say it, Raine. I know we've been through a lot, but every moment I've spent with you has made me the happiest woman on the planet. I love you and I love being your wife. Really. I hope you never forget that." Eda muttered into Raine's chest.

Raine almost started crying right there. They weren't expecting a part two of their wedding at 11:30 PM.

"I love you too, Eda. I can't even put into words how happy you make me. Proposing to you might be the best decision I've ever made."

Just then, Raine felt shaking and looked down to see that Eda was the one doing it. "Are you crying hon?" They asked quietly, running their hand through their wife's hair.

"Y-yeah. I just...Titan I love you." She replied through tears.

"I love you too, Sweetheart. More than anything." They replied, tearing up a bit. They held Eda even tighter, kissing her on the head.

After a few minutes of silence, Raine realized that Eda had fallen asleep. They smiled.

"Goodnight, Sunshine." They whispered, starting to fall asleep as well.

The End💙 I hope you guys like this one! I think it turned out pretty cute! This is for Raeda Day, which was created by DerpyReader129. They have a Raeda oneshot as well and it's suuuuuper cute, so you should read it if you haven't yet. Anywho, byeeeee! See y'all in the next part!💙

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