Eda headcannons!

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● She's a really good dancer and singer.
●Her favorite color is red.
●She's right-handed.
●She has dyscalculia (number dyslexia).
●She loves giving Raine forehead kisses.
●She has trouble sleeping by herself.
●She gets loopy when she's sick or sleepy.
●She hates the color orange with a passion.
●She hates being cold.
●She loves when Raine plays with her hair.
●Loves rain storms (gee I wonder why🤔)
●She used to refer to herself as Edawg. No one knows why. Not even she does.
●She's tried to count the stars in the sky multiple times. The highest she got to was 10. She hasn't given up yet, though.
●Despite having discalculia, she's always been fascinated with numbers.
●She cries quite a bit, but absolutely hates crying.

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