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This takes place during the weeks after Al and Dal's divorce

Darius' POV:
I used to ask myself the question 'What is love?' a lot. I never understood exactly what that was supposed to look like.

My parents were divorced, so I didn't really get to experience their love for each other.

Of course I felt love. I felt love for Alador, but after him and Odalia got together, I gave up on that.

I gave up completely on everything I thought love was.

I was convinced it wasn't real, because my parents lost love, I lost love, eventually everyone was probably going to lose love, so it didn't matter.

There was no point, so I just stopped thinking about it. I completely kept it out of my head until recently. Until Alador and Odalia's divorce. That's when I realized what love is.

Love is watching someone you care about more than anything hold onto someone else, when you so badly want it to be you they're holding onto, but putting up with it because they're happy, and that's all you want.

Love is holding onto that person when the other one gets tired of them, because they forgot what it's like to be held.

Love is being more than willing to let them cry into your shoulder because they don't know what else to do.

Love is wanting them to be happy more than anything else, because you physically can't stand to see them sad.

Love is understanding that sometimes they can't be happy, and patiently helping them through their sadness.

Love is everything I've been feeling for Alador since I met him.

Everything I continued to feel for him, even after he became Odalia's boyfriend.

Everything I told myself was pointless and dumb.

Everything I'm feeling right now, and will probably continue to feel forever.

Everything I want him to feel for me, but also what's helping me understand that that might take a while. I'm okay with that.

For now, my love for him is enough, and I'll never let that love go away like Odalia did. This is real love, it's permanent.

The End💙 See? I told you there'd be more Daridor. I hope you all like this one, there will probably be more of this ship, along with Raeda, of course. Anywho, byeee see you in the next part!

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