Raine's song

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This takes place a few weeks after my oneshot "Confession"
Yes, I'm a Steven Universe fan. A big Steven Universe fan. So have fun reading this if you also love SU.

Eda's POV:
It was around 5:00 PM. I was at Raine's house, as usual. We were sitting in the grass. They were cuddled up against me and I had my arms around them. I loved holding them like that. They were like the cutest teddy bear ever.

It was really peaceful and quiet as they played with my hair. All of a sudden, they leapt up excitedly, smiling really big.

"I almost forgot! I have something for you!" They proceeded to run into their house.

A few seconds later they came back, carrying a lute.

"I wrote a song for you! It's probably not great, but I hope you like it!"

They then sat down next to me and began to strum their lute. They started singing. (You can scroll up and play the song now)

"I'd rather be tall, I'd rather be smart, I'd rather be sure you know I care. Wherever you go, whatever you start, I'd rather be sure you know I'm there. I'd rather I always be a part of whatever you dooo. IIII'd rather be me with youuu. Wherever we go, I already trust, I'd know what to do if it were us. I'd know what to say, I'd know how to be, I'd know your entire syllabus. I can't think of anyyy other thing in the world I would raaather doooo. If I could be, I'd rather be me wiiiith youuuu."

When they finished, they blushed madly.

"Are you crying?" They asked, giggling a little bit.

Jeez, was I crying?

"Apparently." I said, laughing.

"It wasn't that bad, was it?" Raine asked, also laughing.

"No, it was amazing! And...really sweet. I didn't know you loved me that much. I wanna be me with you too, Rainestorm." I said as I hugged them and kissed them on the forehead.

"I was hoping you'd say that. I love you, Eda." They said, kissing my cheek.

I blushed. Gosh, Raine was the one that was supposed to get flustered easily, not me.

"I love you too, Raine. A whole lot." I replied, grabbing their hand.

That song was going to be stuck in my head all night, and I didn't mind at all. That was the most beautiful song I'd ever heard.

The End💙 Yayyy SU and TOH!! I hope you guys liked this one. I love writing baby Raeda. I'll probably be writing more of that in the future, so be excited for that! Also, since we're kind of on the topic of Steven Universe, who are y'alls favorite characters? I love Pearl and Lars. Anywho, see you guys in the next part! Byeeeee

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