We didn't stick together

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So this is like a tiny AU where Luz dies in Watching And Dreaming but doesn't come back.

VERY angsty, no ship except for a tiny bit of Raeda

⚠Warnings:⚠Major character death, crying

Eda's POV:
Well, she's gone. She's actually gone. Luz is no longer with us, and it pains me to say it or even think it. It doesn't feel right. It doesn't seem possible that the Luz Noceda is dead. After everything we've been through together, I thought we'd all stay that way. Together. But I guess all good things have to come to an end, and she was the best thing. The  sweetest kid I've ever met. I can't believe she's gone.

Everything's "back to normal" in the Boiling Isles. We took care of the Collector, got rid of Belos, but things still don't feel right. Why should they? Luz isn't here, so why should everything else feel okay? She was the most important person in so many people's lives. Mine, King's, Lilith's, her mom's, her girlfriend's, the list goes on and on. If she made an impact in that many people's lives, than why should anything feel normal to anyone?

Anyway, it's quiet in The Owl House without Luz. It's just me, King, Lilith, Raine, and Hooty. Raine, King, and I are sitting on the floor, Lilith's on the couch, and Hooty is where he always is. None of us have been the same since Luz left. We've all been quieter, even Hooty. I guess it feels wrong not to be quiet, like we should all have a long moment of silence for her.

We've been sitting here for hours, barely doing anything. Luz's death happened yesterday, so it's still fresh in our minds. It's hard to think about anything else. After what feels like an eternity of silence, King speaks. "Heh. You know what's sad, Eda? Only a few months ago, we had no idea Luz even existed. Now we can't live without her." Just that sentence is enough to make me start sobbing, which is exactly what happens. Raine immediately holds me, as I cry harder than I ever have before. I think it's stupid that I'm crying. What good is it gonna do? It's not like Luz is gonna come back just because I'm crying. The only thing my crying does is make everyone else in the house cry.

Maybe it's not stupid. Maybe our crying is like a pathetic tribute to her. Whatever it is, it doesn't stop for a while. We all cry for what seems like a year. The worst part of all of this, the worst part of Luz's passing, is that we all broke a promise. We said we'd stick together, and we didn't. We didn't stick together.

So this is definitely the angstiest oneshot I've written so far, sorry y'all. I've just had this idea for a few days and really wanted to write it for some reason. I promise there will be fluff to make up for this angst y'all. I still hope you guys enjoyed this one though. That being said, byeeee! See you guys in the next part!💙

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