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This takes place a week before my oneshot "Beautiful"
My friend suggested I write a Huntlow oneshot that takes place after Watching And Dreaming. The actual plot of this oneshot belongs to me, though. Enjoy!

Hunter's POV:
It was a beautiful day, so Willow and I were sitting outside in a pretty spot filled with plants. Gorgeous plants.

The mood was peaceful and quiet, and Willow and I were holding hands. I was sure there was nothing that could possibly make me happier, until Willow kissed me on the cheek. And then my other cheek. And then my nose, shoulders, and hand. By the time she was finished, I was blushing madly. She smiled at me.

"You needed kisses." She said sweetly, cuddling closer to me. I smiled the biggest smile ever.

"Thank you, Sunflower." I replied, giving her kisses in the same spots she gave me kisses. Cheek one, cheek two, nose, shoulders, and hand.

She giggled and kissed me again. This time on the lips. I blushed. After about 10 seconds, we pulled away, still holding hands.

"I love you, Hunter." Willow said quietly, smiling and laying her head on my shoulder.

"I love you, too, Willow." I replied, even happier than I had been minutes before.

She has a way of doing that to people. Always leaving them happier than they were before. That's one of the many reasons I love her.

The End💙 Yay! Huntlow! Lots of thanks to my bestie who suggested I write Huntlow! Also, I'm sorry I haven't posted in this book in a few days. I've been running out of ideas lately. Also, I'm sorry this one is short. I couldn't think of much to write for this one, but I'll post longer oneshots this weekend. How about some Raeda? I haven't written that ship in a while, and it'd be cool to write some more of them. Okay y'all, I'm tired, so I'm gonna wrap this up. Good night/morning/whatever time of day you're currently experiencing! Byeeeeeeee

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