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The beginning of this oneshot takes place when Eda and Raine are dating, and the rest of it takes place during the time most of my Raeda oneshots take place.

Eda's POV(Teen):
Raine and I are sitting on the floor of their bedroom, doing absolutely nothing. Well, not absolutely nothing. We're cuddling, but other than that, nothing. It's really quiet. Neither of us are saying anything, until Raine breaks the silence. "Hey Eda?" They say quietly. "Yeah? What's up Rainestorm?" I reply, genuinely excited to hear whatever they're about to say. "How do you spell beautiful?" They ask, which kind of surprises me since usually I'm the one asking them how to spell things.
"Um, b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l? I think?" I say after a few seconds. They then smile at me. "You spelled it wrong." "I did?" I ask, slightly disappointed. I thought it sounded right. "Yeah. It's actually spelled E-d-a." They respond, still smiling. I blush. "I-uhhh..." I stutter out, too flustered to say anything else. Raine giggles cutely and kisses me on the cheek. Titan, I love them.

Eda's POV(Present):
It's about 6 PM. I'm making dinner and Raine is sitting at the kitchen table. The only going through my mind is how adorable they look just sitting there. I want to tell them how cute they are, but I tell them every single day. I'm sure it gets tiring. Suddenly I have an idea. "Hey Rainestorm?" I say as I attempt to cut a tomato. "Yes?" They reply, looking over at me and smiling their usual cute smile. "How do you spell adorable? It's been bothering me all day." I reply, trying my best not to smile. "A-d-o-r-a-b-l-e." They say, still smiling. "Are you sure you spelled it right? I thought it was
R-a-i-n-e?" I take a break from mutilating my tomato to see Raine's reaction. They're blushing just like I did all those years ago. I laugh, which causes them to laugh as well. "I love you Dreamboat." I say after a few seconds, going back to my sad tomato. "I love you too, Sunshine." They reply. I really, really love them.

I hope y'all enjoyed this fluffy Raeda oneshot. I thought it would be nice after the pure angst you've been receiving from me lol. Also I really need to write more Raeda. I love that ship and I've been slacking on the Raeda content lately. Anywho, see y'all later, and remember that requests are always open, so feel free to request anything and I'll write it! (Just no illegal ships. You know which ones I'm talking about.) Byeeeeeee!💙

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