Raine headcanons!

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⚠Slight mention of death. No gore or anything descriptive, though⚠
●Their eyesight is really really awful. Like, they're pretty much blind without their glasses
●They hate bananas
●They get cold very easily
●They are lesbian(Most of the fandom has just accepted this as facts) and asexual
●They run their hands through their hair when they get nervous
●They get nervous very easily
●They love playing with Eda's hair❤
●They love making puns
●They love snakes, owls (I wOnDeR wHy) and fireflies (If they ever went to the human realm, that is)
●Their favorite color is yellow
●They are terrified of spiders
●They are scared of heights
●They are left-handed
●Their parents passed away when they were 16

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