You're better than her

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This is part 4 of You hate the girl I love. @Bisexual_mess11 requested Aladarius, so I thought now would be a great time for that.

Darius' POV:It's 11:07 PM when I'm abruptly woken up by the sound of my scroll's ringtone

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Darius' POV:
It's 11:07 PM when I'm abruptly woken up by the sound of my scroll's ringtone.

"Why, for the love of Titan, am I getting called this late at night?" I mutter as I sit up and grab my scroll.

When I pick it up, Alador's name is on the screen. If he's calling me this late at night, it must be important, so I decide to answer it.

"Hello?" I say quietly, still waking up fully.

"Um, h-hey. Did I wake you up?" Alador answers. He's quiet and he sounds different. Something is wrong.

"Yes, but it's fine. Are you okay?" I reply, genuinely worried.

"I'm an awful person." He says. His voice is deep and quiet. A voice I've never heard him use. It scares me.

"No you're not! What makes you say that?"

"I'm an awful father, I'm an awful husband...Odalia's right, Darius. I'm not helping, I'm not doing this right."

He replies. He's keeping the same deep voice, but it's shaking now.

"No. You're not an awful anything, Alador. What happened? What did she do?" I respond, worried about Alador and angry at Odalia for whatever she did to him.

"She didn't do anything! She just wants what's best for Amity. I thought I did, but I don't. I don't help, I don't listen. She's right. I thought I was right, I thought I was being a good father."

The fact that he's not explaining what happened is scaring me.

"Al, please tell me what happened. You're scaring me."

"Odalia and I had an argument about Amity. She's dating that human girl. Odalia says that by letting Amity date that human, I'm ruining our reputation. I tried to tell her that Amity's happiness is more important. Odalia said I'm a bad father. I am. She's right, Darius. I'm not trying hard enough. I-" He then cuts himself off by sobbing.

I wish I could help. I wish I could hold him and tell him that everything is okay, but I can't. I can't, because this has something to do with Odalia, so if I try to help him in person, I'll only make things worse.

"Alador, don't listen to her. You're doing your best, and from what you just told me, it sounds like you're doing a good job. You're doing fine, okay? You shouldn't listen to a woman who won't even let her kids be happy if it means risking her social status. You're better than her, okay? She's lying when she says that you're anything less than amazing."
I say, praying to the Titan that Alador is listening to me.

"Th-thank you." He says quietly on the other end.

"You don't have to thank me. You're perfect, okay? Now, you should get some rest. I love you. Uh-shoot, I mean-" Alador laughs, which makes me incredibly happy, even though I just told my best friend, who's married, that I love him.

"I love you too, Darius. Goodnight." He says, sounding much happier than he had minutes before.

"Goodnight, Al." I reply. He then hangs up.

I'm so angry at Odalia. For everything. Everything she's doing to Alador, everything she's doing to the rest of her family, just everything.

My anger is quickly replaced by love and worry when I think about Alador, and how he's really trying his best, despite Odalia making him feel like crap. I hope he's okay.

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