Will you marry me?

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This oneshot takes place about a year after my first oneshot "Back Together". Enjoy!

No one's POV:
It was a beautiful morning. It was quiet, warm, and peaceful as Raine lay awake next to Eda as she slept.

"She's so beautiful" Raine thought as they gently ran their fingers through the owl lady's short silver hair.

They couldn't wait for the day to really start, for this was the day they were going to propose to Eda.

They'd been planning it for weeks. They thought about exactly what they would say, what they would wear, where they would propose...it was going to be wonderful and Eda had no clue it was going to happen either.

Raine was filled with joy. And maybe A bit of nervousness. A few minutes later, Eda woke up.

"Hey sweetheart, what're you doing awake already?" Eda asked sleepily. Raine giggled.

"Just admiring your beauty." Raine replied, kissing Eda's cheek.

"Wow, you're even more romantic than usual this morning. Special occasion?" Eda said, sitting up and snuggling closer to her partner.

"No special occasion. Just a beautiful woman."

"Jeez Raine, 9:00 in the morning and you're already making me blush." Raine laughed.

"Just you wait" they thought.

"Would you like to go to our hill later today? Like we used to?" They asked, hoping Eda would say yes.

That's where Raine wanted to propose. They always loved going to the hill together when they were dating the first time. That's where they broke up, too, which is what made that hill kind of sad for both of them, but Raine couldn't think of a more special spot than that hill, and they knew that if they proposed there, that hill would be a happy spot again.

"Oh I'd love to." Eda replied, smiling.

"We haven't been to that place in years. Not since...y'know."

Raine knew exactly what she meant.

"Yeah I know. That's why I want to go back there. We can make it happy again." Raine said, grabbing Eda's hand and kissing it. Eda smiled.

"You could make any spot the happiest spot in the world, Rainestorm."

*Timeskip brought to you by pizza bagels*

It was about 12:00 PM and Raine and Eda were about to go to their hill.

"You're dressed awful fancy to go sit on a hill, Rainestorm." Eda commented, laughing.

Raine laughed, too. She was right, they were dressed a bit fancy. They were wearing a navy blue dress shirt and black dress pants. Eda was just wearing her usual ripped red dress.

"You look really nice, though." Eda added, blushing.

"Thank you." Raine replied, smiling.

They then grabbed Eda's hand and walked to their hill. It was a bit of a long walk, but it was beautiful and romantic as well.

When they got there, they both sat down like they did when they were younger. They were still holding hands. Raine was going to do it. They were going to propose to Eda right now.

They were starting to get nervous. They were hoping Eda would say yes, but they also thought about the possibility that she might not be ready to get married and say no.

They weren't going to back out now, though. It was now or never.

"Eda, t-this might sound cheesy but, you're like a song. A really beautiful song. I listened to you for the first time back when we were kids and I knew you were my favorite song. I listened to you over and over again for years and loved every note. Eventually, I stopped listening to your song but I still had it stuck in my head for years. And now I get to hear this song again, and it's even more beautiful than when I heard it the first time, and I've decided that I wouldn't mind listening to this song for the rest of my life. Every morning, every afternoon, and every night."

Raine paused as they let go of Eda's hand and shakily pulled something out of their pocket.

"Here goes nothing" they thought.

They got down on one knee. Eda knew what was happening and almost squealed with joy.

"So, um, Edalyn Clawthorne, will you marry me?" Eda started crying.

"YES! Yes! Of course!!"

Raine started crying, too. They didn't really expect her to say no, but they were so relieved she said yes. They wanted nothing more than to spend their entire life with her.

After slipping the ring onto Eda's finger, Raine pulled her into a kiss. It lasted a while until they both eventually lost their breath.

They both pulled away, gasping and even still crying a bit.

"I love you, Raine Whispers." Eda said, grabbing Raine's left hand.

"I love you too, Eda." They replied, smiling bigger than they had in years.

Luz was going to be ecstatic.

The End💙
Raedaaa❤❤❤ I've written quite a bit of Raeda. If y'all want to request a different ship I will happily write them (as long as it's nothing weird as I mentioned in the intro) Anyway, byeeeeee

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