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No ship, just Ed and Em being goofy little beans
This takes place around the first season

Emira's POV:
Edric and I were sitting in our room, on my bed. We were just chilling quietly until Edric asked me a question.

"Em, if a cowboy, cowgirl, or cowperson is someone who herds cows, then what's a cow that herds people? A boycow? Girlcow? Personcow?"

"You know, Ed, I have no clue. Do you think that maybe that's what they do in the human realm? They train cows to herd people?"

"Well, Luz is a human, we should ask her sometime." He responded.

We were then silent for a couple minutes, until he asked another question.

"How come we both have E names but Amity has a name with the same starting letter as dad? Was that on purpose? Are we like, so different that our names don't even match with the family?" I hadn't thought about that.

"Maybe it's just a coincidence? Or maybe there weren't any O or A names that they liked for us?" I replied.

"That's true, but we were born first. You could've been named Amity and I could've been Amito." He said.

I busted out laughing.

"Amito?!" I said through laughter.

"That was the best thing I could come up with!" He defended, slightly blushing from embarrassment.

"Or we could've been Olive and Olivine." I suggested.

"Ooh! Olivine! I wish I would've been named Olivine!" Edric exclaimed.

I giggled. We were quiet again, until I thought of a question.

"Why do all of our names start with vowels?" I asked.

"Odalia, Alador, Edric, Emira, and Amity! Holy Titan! They do!" Ed replied, apparently amazed at my observation.

A few seconds passed.

"How did people come up with words? Did they just look at things and then make the noise that came to mind when thinking of that thing?" He asked me, laying down.

"Hmm. I guess. I've never really thought about it like that." I replied, also laying down. It was getting kind of late, and I was tired.

"I'm kinda tired." Ed said, yawning.

"Yeah, me too." I replied. "We can ask more questions tomorrow." I added.

"Okie doke." He replied, getting up and going to his own bed.

We both took off our concealment stones and got ready to go to bed. I turned off the light and got into bed and just as I was about to go to sleep, Edric asked one more question.

"Why do we still sleep? We're witches, we have magic. Surely we could come up with a way to magic ourselves awake."

"Goodnight, Ed." I replied, laughing.

"Goodnight, Em." He responded.

We then both went to sleep. That night I dreamt of being held hostage by a cow. Thanks, Ed.

The End💚 I love these two sm. They're kind of underrated imo. Ayway, see you in the next chapter, byeeee!

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