A letter to Raine

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This is a sad little oneshot about Raine's moms.

⚠Warnings⚠: Non-descriptive mentions of death, crying

Marina's POV:
Dear Raine,
As you know, your mom and I are attempting to rebel against the emperor. It's risky, I know, but it has to be done.

I can't believe I've been working for him for years, but not once did I question his beliefs. I was a fool, but by rebelling against him, we might just be able to change things for good, and wouldn't that be awesome Raine? Oh, I wish I could tell you all of this in person, but there's not enough time.

Speaking of time, it's running out for the both of us. Me and Melody, I mean. There's no telling what Belos might do to us for trying to rebel, so this day could very well be our last.

If that is the case, your mother and I want you to know that we love you so much, and even though I feel like we say it a lot, it still doesn't feel like enough, so you need to know just how much we love you now.

I hope we're still alive when you get this letter, I'd love to read your reply. You're an awesome kid, Raine. Smart, kind, every good trait that exists, and I'm not just saying that because I'm your mom. You really are amazing, and I know you'll grow up to do amazing things.

You're just like Melody. You're outgoing, and brave, and not afraid to stand up for what you care about, which might be our downfall right now, but I know it'll get you places.

I have so much more to say, but I'm afraid that if I keep writing anymore my tears will blur the words so bad you'll hardly be able to read them. I love you Raine, and maybe, hopefully, I'll see you soon.

Don't give up on yourself, okay? You're capable of anything and everything as long as you keep believing that you are. I'm sending you all my love,

My hand shakes violently as I write the very last word.

"Oh my Titan, Melody. What if we actually never see them again? What if this is it? What if this is our last day alive and they might not even get our letter?" I say through tears.

"Hey, Rina. It'll be okay. They might not see us again, I'm not going to lie, but if they do get our letter, they're going to know that our last thoughts were about them. It'll be okay." Melody replies, grabbing my hand.

"I knew rebelling was a bad idea." I say, crying harder. I don't want to leave Raine behind. We can't leave them behind.

"It's not a bad idea. This is for a good cause. Sure, we could die, but at least we'll die doing something good. You told Raine not to give up on themselves just now, so you shouldn't either. We might make it out of this alive, we might fix this messed up system, we might do something incredible. This is for them." My wife says and kisses me on the head.

She's right. This is for them. For Raine, for Eda, and for everyone else. If this is the last thing we ever do, at least it was a good thing, and I hope Raine can see that when we're gone.

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