Her (pt. 4)

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Part four of my oneshot "Her" was requested by this lovely person. SilverTongueGoddess Enjoy! For those of you who haven't read the other parts of "Her", you might wanna do that or this probably won't make sense.

⚠Warnings⚠: Crying, rejection sort of, and Odalia being toxic and rude. Normal Odalia stuff.

One-sided Daridor angst

Odalia's POV:
I don't know what's going on with Alador and Darius, but I don't like it. On Friday they ran off to have a 'talk' that lasted almost the entire lunch period, and then yesterday morning they had another 'talk' and were almost late for class.

I don't know what they're doing, but I do know that I don't like the way Darius looks at Alador. My boyfriend.

Alador is supposed to love me, not anyone else, so I've decided I'm going to have a little talk of my own.

It's time for lunch, and Darius hasn't shown up yet, so I'm going to talk to Alador and fix all of this.

"Allie?" I say in the sweetest voice I can muster.

"Yes, Honey?" He replies.

"Can I talk to you real quick? In private before Darius gets here?" I ask, hoping he says yes.

"Of course. Is everything okay?" He responds as we both get out of our seats to go somewhere more private.

"Yes, I just wanted to talk about some things."

"Okay..." He then grabs my hand and we walk to some random empty classroom.

Once I've shut the door, I walk to a desk and sit on top of it.

"So Alador, I wanted to talk about Darius." I say, examining one of my nails.

"Okay. What about him?" He sounds nervous. Why?

"Well, I can't help but notice that you two have been running off together and leaving me alone, and you never tell me what's going on. It's a little suspicious in my opinion."

He's going to make up some lame excuse as to why they've been running off, I just know it.

"Oh! I'm sorry, Dal. It's nothing bad, I promise. We aren't trying to keep anything from you, we've just been discussing private things, that's all."

I don't want to assume he's lying, but I can't help but think that he might be.

"Private things? Private things I can't know about? Look, I don't know what's going on with you two, but I don't want anyone taking you away from me, Al. You understand that, right?"

"No one's going to take me away from you, Dalia! Darius doesn't like me like that. We're just friends, I swear. I'm always yours." He then walks towards me and grabs my hand. I smile.

"I'm sure, but I can't help but wonder if something is going on between you two, and that's why I wanted to say that maybe we should...just be us. Just me and you. Without Darius."

Alador looks horrified. "Wait what? You want me to stop hanging out with Darius?"

"Yes. I know it's hard, but you don't need him anyway. You have me, Allie. I love you a lot, and he doesn't, according to you, so I'm all you need right?"

He lets go of my hand and starts nervously scratching at his other hand with it.

"I-Well, that's true, but I can't just stop hanging out with him, Odalia. He's my best friend, and he's a really good person. I promise nothing's going on between us. I only love you, okay? Only you." He says.

It's like he's begging me to let him keep Darius like he's some lost puppy he found outside. I don't feel like having a whole argument about Darius right now, because Alador probably isn't going to listen to me anyway, so I decide to try something else.

"You're right, Allie. He is a nice person, and I believe you. You wouldn't do anything behind my back, and I'm sorry." I say, touching my boyfriend's shoulder.

"Don't be sorry, Honeybug. I'm sorry for worrying you." He replies.

"It's okay, Allie." I say. We then walk back to the cafeteria, where Darius is waiting for us. I almost feel bad for what I'm going to do next, but then I see the way he's looking at Alador.

*Time skip brought to you by green apples cuz they're very yummy*

Lunch is over now. As Alador and Darius get up, I say, "Go on without me, Al. I think I left something in another class."

"Okay, Dearest!" He replies, walking to his class. Darius starts to follow Al, but I stop him.

"Could I talk to you for a second?" I ask.

"Uh yeah. I do have to make it to class though." He responds.

"Don't worry, it'll be quick." I tell him.

"Look, I hate that I have to be the one to tell you this, but Alador thinks it would be better if him and I stay together and you...well, find other people." I say, pretending to not want to say this.

"Wait, he wants us to stop being friends? He wants it to just be you two?" Darius asks. He sounds shocked.

"I'm afraid so. He says that you're getting in the way of our relationship. I disagree, but that's what he wants, so I have to respect that. I'm sorry, Darius." I reply, putting on my best sympathetic face.

"It's okay. Thank you for telling me. I'll be out of your hair now. I have to get to class." He responds, walking away.

Yes. Things are finally working out.

*Time skip to the next day and POV switch brought to you by Hooty*

Darius' POV:
I cannot believe what Odalia told me yesterday. I can't believe that Alador wants us to just stop being friends because I'm 'Getting in the way of his and Odalia's relationship'.

I can't believe him. After everything that's happened in the past couple days, he really has the audacity to say that I'm getting in the way of his relationship?

I haven't done anything! I don't even talk to Odalia! Heck, I barely even talk to him anymore! How am I getting in the way of his relationship?

These questions have been bothering me all night, so I decide to ask Alador myself at school.

When I get there, him and Odalia are sitting on the stairs, as usual. Alador waves at me. I don't wave back. I don't know why he's so happy if he doesn't want me around.

I decide to talk to him right now. Not privately. In front of Odalia and everyone else.

"Really? Hey? I thought you didn't want me around? I thought I was getting in the way of your relationship? That's what Odalia told me. I wish you would've told me, instead of making your girlfriend do it for you. What, were you scared that I would cry? Were you scared that I would tell you that I love you, or that I would just get in your way more? Is that why you couldn't tell me yourself, Alador?!"

I pause to wipe a few tears from my eyes. People are staring and Odalia looks horrified.

"Darius-" Alador starts to say.

"No! Don't say anything. You don't want me around, and the quicker I finish talking, the quicker I'll leave. I'm sorry I'm getting in the way so badly. I don't know what I could possibly have been doing to be such a burden, but I'm sorry I guess. You said you were sorry for ignoring me, sorry for making me feel like crap, but apparently that's not true, because I sure do feel like crap right now. But it's fine. I want you to be happy, and if me leaving makes you happy, then I'll do it. Have fun with Odalia, and I'm sorry I love you too much to have just given up on you in the first place. Bye, Alador."

I then walk up the stairs and into Hexside, ignoring all of the people staring and just focusing on trying to see through my tears.

I feel like I can hear Alador calling my name, but I ignore him. He doesn't want me around anymore, so surely he doesn't want me to come back that badly.

I hope so, because I won't be doing that.

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