Our future

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Teen Raeda❤☁

This takes place about a month after "First date"

Eda's POV:
"Hey Raine?" I say randomly. School's over for the day and Raine and I are sitting on the stairs outside, holding hands. "Yeah?" They reply, smiling. "What you think our future's gonna be like? Y'know, me and you?" "Wow, that's a pretty deep question, Calamity. I think our future is gonna be pretty happy." "Happy how? Like, what do you think we're gonna do? What's gonna happen to make our future happy?" I ask, bringing Raine's hand closer to me and playing with their fingers. "Well, I think we're going to finish school together, and become the most powerful witches on the Boiling Isles! Or...you will, anyway. I'm not brave enough for that, but you are! Yeah! You're gonna be the most powerful witch on the Boiling Isles! And we can do cool magic together, and eventually we might get married? Maybe? Does that sound cool to you?" They say, blushing a bit near the end. "YES!" I exclaim. "Yes that sounds awesome, Rainestorm! We can get married, and be cool married magic people! And we can uh...get a pet or something? I don't really want kids. I don't think I'd be that good of a mom." "Yeah, I don't really want kids either. A pet sounds good, though! What kind?" "An owl? I really like owls. Where would we get an owl though?" I then lay down, so my feet are dangling off the stairs. "Eda, what are you doing, goofball? You're gonna have dirt from people's shoes in your hair!" Raine says, giggling. I laugh. "Nah, I'll be fine. Anywho, what else do you think will happen to us in the future?" "I'm not super sure yet. I have a general idea of it. We'll be super happy and probably get married, but the future is unpredictable. Anything could happen. We should probably focus more on the present for right now, because a good present will help our future be good, too." They say as they lay down next to me. "Wow. You're so poetic. I'm dating a little poet!" I say happily as I pull Raine closer to me. "I am not little!" They say, pretending to be offended. "I'm just as tall as you!" They continue. "Suuuuure, Rainey." I reply, kissing them a thousand times on the cheek. They start laughing. A lot. "Jeez, Rainestorm. It's not that funny." I say, even though I'm also laughing. "You're a hoot!" They respond, laughing even harder. "Oh my Titan. I love you!" I say through laughter. "I love you too!" They exclaim, still laughing. They're ridiculous. I love them.

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