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Platonic Stilli☁💙💙💙💙💙(I love writing this in case you haven't noticed lol)

Steve's POV:
I woke up at around 8:30. When I came out of my room and started to walk to the living room, I heard what sounded like crying coming from Lilli's room. I knocked on her door a couple times before she answered. "Come in." She said in a weak-sounding voice. When I walked into her room and shut the door behind me, Lilli was curled up in a little ball on her bed. Her cheeks were very pink, she looked exhausted, and she was, in fact, crying. I sat down next to her. "Hey, Lilli, what's wrong?" "N-nothing." She stuttered out. "Lilli..." I said as I put my hand on her back. "I'm just...really tired. And cold. Really really cold. But I'm okay, really." She coughed a little and I understood what was happening. "Are you sure? You don't seem very okay, Lills. You seem sick." I said as I grabbed a blanket from the end of her bed and draped it over her. She smiled a little bit at the warmth and replied, "No I'm not sick. Just tired." She sniffed a little bit. I love Lilli. She's truly my best friend and I don't know what I would do without her. However, she is the most stubborn person I've ever met. I gently put my hand on her forehead. She was really warm. "Does tiredness usually bring fever?" I asked, grinning. She was silent for a moment before saying "Yes." I laughed a bit. "Alright Sleepy, you should get some rest. I'll be here if you need anything okay?" I said. As I was getting ready to walk out she said, "Could you maybe stay in here? Please?" Her voice broke near the end and I realized she was crying again. Of course I wasn't going to leave her alone. "Of course, Lilli. I'll stay in here. Poor thing." I replied as I walked towards her bed and sat down next to her again. "I'm not even sick. I just don't want you to leave, that's all." She said, still crying. Of course I didn't believe her one bit but I decided to just go with it. "Okay, Lillipad. I won't leave. Not now, not ever." "Okay, that makes me feel better." She said quietly. She fell asleep a few minutes later. I smiled knowing that by being there, I made Lilli feel at least a little bit better.

The End💙 This concept was suggested by @Carmelle_LavapiesI love writing friendship oneshots for Lilli, so thank you for the suggestion! Also, new headcanons unlocked lol

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The End💙 This concept was suggested by @Carmelle_Lavapies
I love writing friendship oneshots for Lilli, so thank you for the suggestion! Also, new headcanons unlocked lol. Lilli is definitely one of those people that cries a lot when she's sick. She just seems like she would do that. Also Steve totally calls her Lillipad. That's freaking adorable in my opinion. Sorry if this one isn't great or if it's kinda cringy. I think it's pretty cute but that's just me. Anyway, byeeee! See y'all in the next chapter!💙

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