I love you, kid

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Platonic Luz×Eda☁

This takes place in what I imagine to be the end of season 3. Belos has just been defeated and the Boiling Isles are back to normal.

No one's POV:
Everything was okay again. The Boiling Isles were back to normal, everyone was safe, and everyone was reuniting with their friends and family.

Willow found her dads, Gus found his dad, Amity was with her parents and siblings, and Hunter was with Camila.

Luz had finally gotten to see her biological mom after a whole summer in the Demon Realm, which was amazing, but Luz had spent months away from her other mom, wondering if she was in danger or not.

Luz had to find her. She had to find Eda. She told her mom where she was going and walked around to find her.

"Edaaaaa" she called. No response.

"EDAAAA". Still nothing.

She walked all around the Boiling Isles, wondering where she was and if she was even still alive or not.

After what felt like hours of walking, Luz still couldn't find her, so she decided to walk back, hoping that Eda would appear eventually. All of a sudden, Luz heard footsteps. And then she heard Eda's voice.

"Everything's back to normal. Thank Titan. Gosh I just hope Luz is okay. She has to be okay. Lilli, what if she's not okay? I can't lose her. I-"

"Eda it's okay. She's a tough kid. She's fine." Luz heard Lilli reassure Eda.
Eda. Luz couldn't wait to see her again.

"Edaaa!" She called out again, positive she would hear her this time.

"Luz?" Eda called, running now.

"Luz!" Luz finally saw Eda. She looked...really different. Her hair was super short, one of her arms was missing, she looked tired and hurt, but she was smiling. And crying.

"Eda!" Luz ran into the Owl Lady's arms. She was so glad she had finally found her.

"Luz! Luz! You're okay! You don't know how worried I was. King told me all about how you were sent into the human realm for months and...oh Titan I'm just so glad you're okay!" Eda was crying harder now.

Luz couldn't help but cry, too. "I missed you, Eda!" She sobbed out.

"I missed you too, Kiddo. I'm so happy you're okay. I know I keep saying it but I just can't lose you, Luz. I love you, kid."

"I love you too, mom."


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