Her (pt. 6)

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No romantic ship, just Raine, Eda and Darius

Darius' POV:
It's only been a few days since my last encounter with Alador, but it feels like it's been so much longer than that.

It feels like I haven't talked to him in years, like he's an old friend I've lost touch with or something.

I wish that was the case. I wish he was just an old friend I don't talk to anymore. I wish that we just got too busy to stay in touch, because it hurts so bad to think of what actually happened.

Anyway, I'm at school. It's lunch time, and I'm just sitting in the cafeteria at a table all by myself.

I bet I look pitiful. Just some random kid sitting by himself, barely eating the food on his tray, because he's too sad to do anything but think about everything that's happened recently.

As I'm staring into space, thinking about a thousand different things, a kid that I've never seen before walks up to me, holding their lunch tray.

"Um, hi. I noticed that you aren't sitting with anyone, and I wanted to know if maybe I could sit with you? If you don't want to, that's okay, but you just look kind of lonely." The kid says.

They're a bard. They have teal hair, they're wearing glasses, and they look friendly.

"Um, yeah, you can sit with me." I reply.

My voice comes out quieter than I wanted it to, but apparently the bard can still hear because they sit down across from me.

"My name is Raine, what's yours?" They say, smiling. I smile too, they seem like a nice person already.

"Darius. It's nice to meet you."

"It's nice to meet you too, Darius! Sorry if I bothered you by coming over here, I'm trying to make more friends, and you seem pretty cool, so..."

Raine doesn't finish their sentence, but I get the gist of what they're trying to say.

I guess I was right, I did look a bit pitiful. Well, at least I might have another friend. I think.

Raine's POV:
"No, it's okay, you're not bothering me. I should probably try to make more friends, too. And you're also pretty cool."

Wow. Someone other than Eda just called me cool. That's a new one. I'm not sure what to say, I'm kind of nervous.

I only ever talk to Eda, and I've known her for a little while, so it's easy to talk to her. It's not very easy talking to new people.

"U-um, thanks!" I stutter out.

That's kind of a lame response, but I don't want to say something dumb and push Darius away, so I stop myself from saying anything else.

"No problem!" Darius replies, smiling.

We talk for a little while about random stuff until I hear someone call my name.

"RAIIIINNNNEEEE YOU SAID YOU WERE ONLY GONNA BE GONE FOR A MINUTE!" Eda yells from across the cafeteria, causing a few students to stare at her, including Darius.

I cringe from the second-hand embarrassment and stand up.

"Sorry about that, my friend is expecting me." I tell Darius, laughing a little bit.

"Do you wanna come with me? I'm sure she wouldn't mind a new addition to our group. We don't really have any other friends." I add, kind of hoping that he says yes.

Darius' POV:
"Sure, if it's not any trouble." I reply.

I'd love to hang out with Raine and their friend. I hate being lonely, but I also don't want to intrude on another relationship.

"It's no trouble at all!" Raine replies. I stand up and we walk over to the table where their friend is sitting.

I instantly recognize her as none other than Eda Clawthorne. I've never met her, but everyone at Hexside has heard of her.

Raine sits down next to Eda and I sit across from them. Raine introduces us and we end up talking until lunch is over.

As we get up from our seats, Eda says, "Hey, you should sit with us tomorrow. If you want."

I smile. "Yeah, I'd love to. See you guys tomorrow!"

As I walk to class, I can't help but smile like a dork. Maybe losing Alador wasn't such a bad thing. It still hurts a whole lot, but I have a feeling that Raine and Eda aren't going to do what Alador did, so that makes me feel a little better.

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