I'm here

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⚠Warnings⚠: Not many, just crying

This takes place a few weeks before Raine and Eda get engaged

Alador's POV:
I just divorced Odalia. I actually did it. I never thought I'd be able to, but I did.

We did. We both signed the papers, we both ended it.

I'm glad it's over, but it feels so strange to me.

Back when we were kids, Odalia and I swore we would be together forever. We said we'd get married, have children, and live happily.

We accomplished the first two, but the 3rd one didn't last too long.

When we first got together, there was enough love to fill an entire lake. But as time went on, we both lost feelings.

Well, she lost feelings. I kept loving her until a few years ago, but now that I think about it, I don't think I ever loved her as much as I said I did.

Of course I cared about her, and I liked to kiss her and hold her hand and tell her I loved her, but there wasn't any real love.

If there was real love, I would've continued to put up with her even now.

But I couldn't do that. It wasn't healthy for me or the kids, so I told her we had to end this.

I expected her to put up more of a fight, but when I told her, she looked almost relieved. was relieved that she didn't say much about it except 'Finally.'

I know that things are better now that there's no more 'Alador and Odalia', but for some reason, this whole thing is kind of sad to me.

She didn't even think twice about divorcing me. It's like she was silently begging for me to say it. To say I don't love her anymore, so she wouldn't look bad when she finally decided to say it.

Of course I don't love her anymore, but I guess it kind of hurts that she was probably just faking love for I don't even know how many years.

I'm currently at home, sitting on the couch. The kids are at school. I'm thinking about how every bit of 'love' felt in this house was fake, and I start crying.

I shouldn't be crying. I'm supposed to be happy. Happy that all of this is done now, happy that I don't have to deal with Odalia's mental abuse anymore, happy that the kids no longer have to suffer, but there's something about it that just makes me sad.

I'm crying so much that I don't even notice someone knocking on our front door. I only notice when I see the door open.

I quickly wipe my eyes and sit up straight. I don't want whoever is at the door to notice I was crying.

As I sit up, I notice the person at the door is Darius. I really don't want him to know I was crying, so I wipe my eyes more.

Darius' POV:
I don't know why, but I decided I want to visit Alador.

I guess it's because he just went through a divorce, and I knew he must be upset about it at least a little bit, and I don't want him to be upset.

He doesn't deserve to be upset. He should be happy that all of this is over, so I make my way to his house.

When I get there, I knock on the front door a few times, but there's no answer, so I begin to open the door to make sure everything is okay.

When I open the door all the way, I see Al sitting up straight on the couch. His eyes are red. He looks like he's been crying.

"Is it okay if I come in?" I ask quietly, unsure if he wants company.

He nods 'yes', so I step inside and shut the door behind me.

I sit next to him on the couch. Up close, I can tell for sure that he's been crying.

I feel bad for him. He doesn't deserve to cry. Especially over someone who never even really loved him in the first place.

I put an arm around him, silently telling him that everything will be okay.

He starts crying again and I put my other arm around him. He cries into my shoulder.

"I d-don't know why I'm so sad about this. I should be happy. It's just, I don't know. I a-actually thought things were gonna work o-out for us. " He chokes out.

"I know, Al." I say sympathetically, rubbing his back.

"It's okay, there's someone out there that loves you. Really loves you." I continue.

"You think so?"he asks quietly with his head still on my shoulder.

"I know so." I reply, kissing him on the head.

I wasn't supposed to do that. He doesn't seem to mind though, so I don't say anything.

I'm determined to show him that I am the person out there who really loves him, but now isn't the time for that.

Right now, he just needs me to hold him. To let him know I'm here. And I'll always be willing to do that.

The End💙 YAYYY! I finally wrote another oneshot! And it's Daridor!! WOOHOO! I'm probably going to be writing more Daridor, so be ready for that. I hope you guys like this one, I think it's pretty cute. That being said, see you guys, gals, and nonbinary pals in the next part. Byeeeee

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