A night of nail polish

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No ship, just Luz and Cool Aunt Lilith

This takes place around the same time most of my other oneshots take place, and I like to imagine that Lilli comes to The Owl House and stays the night a lot

Luz's POV:
It's 10:45 PM on a Tuesday. I've been trying to go to sleep for hours, but I can't. I've been laying here for a while, hoping that maybe I'll fall asleep soon, but obviously I'm still awake, and I'm getting bored, so I've decided to go talk to the only person in the house that is ever still awake after 10:00 PM; Lilith.

As I walk into the living room, I'm careful not to make any noise so I don't wake everyone else up. When I get into the living room, Lilith is sitting on the floor, about to paint her nails.

"Lilith," I whisper, loud enough for her to hear, but not loud enough to wake Hooty up, because once he's awake, everyone's awake.

"Luz?" She replies, just as quiet. "What are you doing awake this late?"

"I couldn't sleep and I was super bored, and since you're always awake this late, I thought maybe I could come hang out with you?"

I say, hoping she lets me stay with her. "Of course." She responds, gesturing for me to sit next to her.

As I sit down, she asks, "Would you like me to paint your nails?"

"Yes yes yes!" I reply happily, making her giggle.

"Okey doke." She replies, grabbing a large container with hundreds of different nail polish colors in it.

I had no idea she had so many colors, I thought she only owned black.

"What colors do you want?" She asks me. She sounds just as excited as I am.

"Hmmm surprise me." I reply.

"Ooh okay!" She says while clapping. "Don't look!" She tells me, smiling.

I close my eyes and hear her going through her container. After a few seconds she says,

"Okay, you can look now."  When I open my eyes, I almost squeal with happiness. The colors she chose are pink, purple, and blue.

"Bi flag nails?!" I exclaim as quietly as I can.

"Mhm!" She replies, also very excited. As she paints my nails, we talk about random things. It's so much fun.

When she's finished, I almost squeal a second time.

"Oh my gosh they're so pretty!!" I whisper-yell.

"Aw, thank you." Lilith replies as she puts her nail polish back in its container.

Now it's time to let my nails dry. My least favorite part, but at least I get to stay out here with Lilith longer. I lean on her shoulder, finally getting sleepy.

*Tiny baby time skip brought to you by Alador's rat palisman*

Lilith's POV:
"Alright Luz, they should be dry by now." I tell Luz after it's been about 5 minutes.

(A/N: I like to imagine that witch nail polish dries really fast)

When she doesn't respond, I look down and realize that she's fallen asleep. I smile and carefully pick her up and put her on the couch.

I take one of my blankets from the end of the couch and drape it over her.

I turn off the tiny lamp I was using, grab my other blanket, and sit next to her.

"Goodnight Luz." I whisper, starting to fall asleep as well.

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