Goodnight babies

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Raeda, Luz, and King❤☁

This takes place around the same time most of my other Raeda oneshots take place

Eda's POV:
It's 12:45 AM and I'm currently making tea. Luz and Raine are cuddled up on the couch together with a blanket with King in between them. King's the only one sleeping, though Raine and Luz look exhausted. Neither of them have been able to fall asleep, so I decided to make tea for them. After a little while, the tea is ready, so I pour some into tea cups and bring them to my babies. They both muster a sleepy "thank you" as I sit next to them. We sit in peaceful silence for a while as I run my hand through Luz's hair and her and Raine sip their tea. After a few minutes, Luz sets her cup on the floor and says, "Hey Eda, this might sound dumb, but can you tell us a story?" I smile. "Sure, Kiddo. What kind of story?" "Any story is a good story if it comes from Eda the Owl Lady." She replies sleepily, making my heart melt a little. Raine then sets their cup down next to Luz's, looking genuinely excited to hear my story. "Okay, hon. Once upon a time, there was an owl. She was always kind of lonely, even though she had her raven sister with her. After a long time of going to school with her sister and being kind of an outcast, a fox came along and showed the owl that she wasn't alone anymore. The fox and the owl loved each other very much, but after a while, they found that foxes and owls might not go together very well." I pause for a second. "The owl was really sad, but she understood that it was for the best. The owl wasn't like other owls, and she wasn't really the best partner for the fox. She eventually met a cute little dog, who made her not lonely anymore, but even though they had each other, the two of them got lonely sometimes. That is, until a beautiful snake came along and they became a little trio of weirdos. After that, things were going pretty good. Sometimes things were a little rough, but the owl was still very happy. Now the owl and the fox are back together, and are living an incredibly happy life with the beautiful snake and the tiny dog. And a weirdly stretchy owl tube. The owl couldn't be happier. She loves her family." When I finish the story, I look over at Luz and Raine, who are both asleep. I kiss Luz on the forehead, and then I reach over her to do the same to Raine. "Goodnight babies." I whisper as I get ready to fall asleep as well.

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