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This takes place in Season 3, when Luz and everybody are still stuck in the Human Realm.

Luz's POV:
It was a dark, stormy night. It was raining really hard, and I couldn't sleep. I guess it's because I hadn't really heard the sound of actual rain for a few months. Maybe it was also because I was thinking too much, and my thoughts were keeping me awake. Maybe both.

Anyway, I was just laying in bed, listening to the rain, hoping that maybe I would fall asleep soon. I rolled over, and when I did, I saw Amity laying on the floor, as usual, except she wasn't asleep. She was wide awake, staring at the ceiling.

When she saw me looking at her she whispered "Hi Luz!" And smiled. She's so adorable.

"Hi Amity!" I whispered back, also smiling.

"Are you having trouble sleeping too?" I asked.

"Yeah, a little bit. Human rain is really loud." She responded. I giggled a little bit.

"Yeah it is pretty loud." I suddenly had an idea.

"Do you maybe want to come up here and sit with me? Maybe it'll help us fall asleep." I said, sitting up and making room for Amity.

She smiled, nodded, and climbed into bed. I pulled her close to me and held her there.

It was nice. It made me feel a little better after everything that had been happening lately. She always does that. She makes me feel better.

We sat there for a little while, quietly talking about the most random things, until it was really quiet for a little bit and I realized Amity was asleep. She looked so cute and peaceful.

After a few minutes, I fell asleep too, no longer worried about whatever I was worrying about before, because even if everything else was going horribly, at least I had Amity.

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