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⚠Warnings⚠: Mention of death, not descriptive. Crying.

Raine's POV:
I love Eda so much. Truly. I've loved her since I first met her, when I was just some lonely kid trying to get another lousy ribbon.

She was my first real friend. She made me feel like I was somewhat worth listening to.

Of course my parents tried to make me feel like that, but they were always busy doing something else.

Eda was never too busy to listen to me, though. She was always there for me. She never left. The day we met, we became best friends. We were completely inseparable.

A little while after that, we became partners, and it was amazing. She made me feel truly loved, and I tried my best to make her feel truly loved as well. Things were going perfect for the two of us.

Then, one year later, my parents passed away. I didn't know what to do after that.

I no longer had my parents, something I didn't think would happen until I was much older.

I spent most of my time thinking of all the things I should've said to them, all the things I should've done. It was like I'd fallen into some dark hole.

Just when I was starting to convince myself that I was truly alone, Eda appeared and reminded me that I had her.

"Raine, you're not alone." She told me. "I'm here, and I may not be like your parents by any means, but I'll always be here, and I love you. Forever and ever. Always. Okay?" She said, gently grabbing my hand.

I remember that day I cried in front of Eda for the first time since we had met.

I cried so hard, not just with sadness, but with love? That doesn't make too much sense now that I think about it, but I guess thinking about how much she really loved me was enough to make me cry.

After that day, our love seemed to have grown stronger. Like we loved each other more than we already had.

The next few years were amazing. Our relationship was stronger than ever and we were both filled with so much love for each other.

We were very happy, but soon Eda started to act different. She was a lot less talkative, she looked a lot sadder, and she just wasn't acting like Eda.

I tried to ask her what was wrong, but she wouldn't tell me. She'd always say she was fine, even though she obviously wasn't.

I tried not to bother her too much about it, but one day she wasn't talking at all, and she looked deep in thought about something, so I sat down next to her and grabbed her hand.

"Eda, you don't have to tell me what's wrong, but I want you to know that I'll always be here. I love you forever and ever. Always." I said, looking into her eyes that were much sadder than they used to be.

She started crying a little bit, but not as much as I had years before. I hugged her, silently letting her know once again that I love her.

We broke up about a month after that, and I was devastated. I couldn't believe that I'd done that. I made myself feel awful for breaking up with her.

I didn't want to, I just couldn't stand Eda being sad without me being able to help her. I felt that as her partner I had to help her, but she wouldn't let me.

I decided to just go on with my life, just like she did, but I never forgot about her.

Years after that, we were reunited, and after that, we became partners again. Now we're married, and everything's okay again, but I still make sure to let her know that I love her just like she did for me all those years ago.

I tell her that I'll always be with her and that I love her. Forever and ever. Always.

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