Our love

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Platonic Steve×Lilith
Takes place during season 3

Steve's POV:
I'm hanging out with Lilli. We've been hanging out a lot more recently, since we actually have the time to now that the Emperor's Coven is no longer taking up all of our time and the Boiling Isles isn't being destroyed anymore.

It's nice to be with her all the time now, she's a really cool person.

She's so intelligent, and funny, and unique. She's amazing. I love her, but in a weird way.

I used to think I had a crush on her. I thought I was in love with her, but I realized after a while that I'm not. I don't feel attracted to her romantically at all.

The thought of dating her is nonexistent and I don't want to kiss her or anything.

Nothing like that. I just...I just love her. But differently.

I guess I've always felt like that. With everyone. I don't really feel love like other people, I guess, but I never put too much thought into it. I just figured I hadn't found my person yet.

I think Lilli is my person, but not in a romantic way? I'm not sure. I do know however, that as I'm sitting outside with her, I feel so happy. I feel a happiness I wouldn't mind feeling forever, but it's not the kind of happiness someone feels when they get married, or the kind of happiness someone feels when they kiss their partner for the first time. It's different.

I decide to ask Lilith about it.

"Lilli?" I say quietly.

"Yes?" She replies, turning to look at me.

"Do you ever think you love someone, but you don't? Like, you definitely feel something for them, you think they're so special, but you don't think it's love? You want to be with them forever but you don't want to kiss, or date them, or any of that, but what you feel is more than friendship? It sounds really weird out loud, but I thought you might know the answer. You're so smart." I say, looking up at her when when I'm finished.

I've been looking at the ground the whole time for some reason.

She smiles at me sweetly.

"I feel that way all the time." She replies, putting her hand on mine. I smile.

Lilli's POV:
It's like Steve is reading my mind. I've been feeling the exact same way about him lately. I love him, just not the way most people love. It's different. A good different.

"Love is different for some people. Like me. I love you quite a bit. I'm sure of it. But it's not the same love that most people feel. Like Eda and Raine. They love each other, but not like I love you. Love doesn't always mean kissing and dating and wanting to get married, but it doesn't always have to be cut down to just sibling-type love either. Does that make sense?" I say, keeping my hand on his the whole time.

Steve's POV:
It does make sense. Perfect sense.

"Yeah. It makes a lot of sense, actually. I love you too. I want to hold your hand, and I want to sit with you like this all the time, and I want to be with you forever, but I don't see you as a partner, necessarily, and I don't really see you as a sister, either. You're just...Lilli. It's a unique kind of love." I reply, looking into her sparkling eyes.

"It's our love." She replies, laying her head on my shoulder. Our love. I like the sound of that. Like it's just for us. No one else will understand what we feel for eachother, but we do, and that's what matters. It's ours. Our love.

The End💙 OMG THIS IS MY NEW FAVORITE PLATONIC SHIP!!!!!!!!!!! Y'ALL ARE GONNA GET SO MUCH MORE OF THESE TWO I PROMISE. SJSNSKZNSNSNSN IT'S ADORABLLLLLEEEE! Two sweet little aroace babies find their own love. That is so adorable holy crap. I'm gonna call it platonic Stilli. Maybe. Idk. All I know is that it's cute and I'm going to write a lot of it. Alright y'all, byeeeeeee!

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