Not a monster

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This takes place a couple weeks after they get married

⚠Warnings⚠: Crying, kind of self-hate? I'm not sure how to word the stuff in here. Please let me know if I missed any.

Eda's POV:
I'm...a kid again? I'm standing in the living room of my childhood house.

"MONSTER! YOU'RE A MONSTER!!" My mother screams.

She shoves me outside, into the rain. I wince as it hits my skin.

Lilith is standing on the porch. I look to her for help, but she just looks at me in disgust.

"Freak." She sneers before walking inside and slamming the door.

I stand in the rain for a second, and then I see my dad. I look at the scar over his eye.

"Dad, I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to-" I begin to say, but he cuts me off.

"I don't want to hear it, Edalyn. We all know why you did this. You're a monster."

He then disappears.

I decide to run. I run to Raine's house. I know they won't call me a monster. They love me no matter what. Right?

I eventually get to their house. The rain abruptly stops.

"Raine!" I shout, relieved that it's no longer raining.

"What do you want? Stay away from me. I don't want you to attack me like you've attacked everyone else. You're evil. All you do is hurt people. You're a monster."

They turn away from me and walk into their house. Even Raine thinks I'm a monster.

Suddenly, Raine's house goes away and I'm an adult. Luz is standing in front of me.

"Kid! I'm happy to see you!" I say, reaching forward to give her a hug.

She shoves me away.

"Why are you happy to see me? So you have someone else to hurt? That's all you do. You hurt people. You hurt us." She says, starting to cry.

"I can't let you hurt us anymore. I'm sorry, Eda." 

She then pulls out a glyph. She steps on it and a huge plant lunges towards me.

"This is for all the people you've hurt. Because you're a monster."

She then disappears as well, but everyone else is now crowded around me.

Raine, Lilli, Mom, Dad, King, everyone except Luz. I have to apologize to her.

"Where's Luz?" I ask, struggling to escape from the large plant that's wrapped around me. No one answers.

They all just start shouting "MONSTER! MONSTER! MONSTER!"

Raine is shouting the loudest.

Eventually "MONSTER!" Turns into "EDA!" It doesn't matter, though, they mean the same thing. I am a monster.

The shouting is even louder, now. "EDA! EDA! EDA! EDA!"

Raine's POV:
"Eda. Eda!" I say, loud enough for her to hear me but not so loud it startles her.

She's crying in her sleep. She must be having a nightmare. She's crying hard, I don't want her to have to deal with this anymore. I try saying her name multiple times, but she isn't waking up, so I decide to lightly tap her a few times.

Eda's POV:
There's no more shouting. I don't have to listen to the ugly sound of my own name anymore, but now I feel something.

Someone is throwing something at me, that's it.

As they're throwing things at me, the dark sky above me disappears.

Everything disappears except whatever is being thrown at me.

Raine's POV:
After a few minutes Eda finally wakes up, still crying.

"Eda! There you are" I say quietly.

I hug her as she cries more.

Eda's POV:
Everything's gone. No more angry shouting, no more things being thrown at me, just Raine.

Raine. It was all just a nightmare. They aren't mad at me. I think.

They're hugging me. I'm crying. How long have I been crying? 

"Eda, you're okay, I'm here. Everything's okay." I hear them say.

They really aren't mad at me, I can tell. I decide to ask anyway, just to be sure.

"Raine, do you think I'm a monster?" I ask, my voice shaking.

"What?! No! Of course not!" They reply, slightly loud.

"What makes you think that?" They add, quieter than before.

"I just, I had a nightmare. And everyone said I was a monster because of my dumb curse. Lilli, Mom, Dad, Luz, and even you. I know it's kind of a dumb question to ask, you obviously don't think I'm a monster. It just, I don't know, it all seemed so real, and you never know, anything can happen."

They looked horrified.

"Of course I don't think you're a monster, Eda. You're the most beautiful, kind, talented witch I've ever met. There's nothing monstrous about you. No one thinks you're a monster. Everyone is so lucky to have you in their life. Especially me." They reply, pulling me closer to them and laying down.
They've been sitting up this whole time.

"Thanks, Rainestorm. Gosh, you're great. I love you." I say, closing my eyes.

"No need to thank me, Love. I love you, too."

I then fall asleep. No one thinks I'm a monster. Everything's okay. Everyone still loves me, and that's all I want.

The End💙 I hope you guys like this one. It was pretty fun to write, despite being a bit angsty. There will be less ansty ones, I promise lol. It's just that all of my good ideas happen to be angst. They turn out pretty good imo, though. I'll see you guys in the next part. Byeeeeeee

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