Lilith headcannons!

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●Overthinks a lot
●Tries her best not to cry in front of people, especially her sister
●Often stays up late reading/doing work
●Is a very talented singer
●Gets asked out all the time but declines(obviously)
●Loves drawing
●Gets really nervous about what people think of her
●Is always really hard on herself
●Cannot sleep without a blanket. No matter how hot it is she always has to have one
●Her favorite color is jade green
●Gets nervous easily
●Bites her nails when she's nervous
●Loves when it rains. Even though it's dangerous, she finds it soothing
●Is left-handed
●Has OCD

Okey that's all for now. I might add more in the future, though. See You in the next part! Byeeeee

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