Raeda headcannons!

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I've been writing headcannons I have for certain characters so I thought it'd be cute if I wrote headcannons for ships as well

●They have this cute thing they do everynight before they go to sleep where they're laying down, and they each kiss the other's forehead and nose, then they hold hands and kiss the other's hand. They fall asleep holding hands. It's super cute.

●Raine's nicknames for Eda are:
Hon(pronounced "hun"), sweetie, baby, sunshine, honey, and love. They call her hon and sunshine the most.

●Eda's nicknames for Raine are Rainestorm(obviously), sweetheart, dreamboat (idk why😂), Rainebee, baby, and sweetie. She calls them Rainestorm and baby the most.

●Raine loves kissing Eda on the cheek. Of course they love kissing her on the lips, too, but her cheek is their favorite spot to kiss.

●Eda loves kissing Raine on the forehead the most.

●They cuddle all the time. Like, they never sit apart from each other. They're always in each other's arms and it's so cute.

●Eda likes to wear Raine's glasses a lot for no particular reason. She just likes wearing them. Raine finds it cute so they endure being absolutely blind for a little bit.

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