Sick (pt. 2)

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This takes place 2 days after "Sick"

Eda's POV:
It's around 9:30 AM when I wake up. I'm feeling way better than I have been the past couple of days.

I look over at Raine, who is still asleep. Poor baby, they're probably exhausted from having to take care of me. I've been told I get a little rowdy when I'm sick. I hope I didn't do anything too obnoxious.

A few minutes later, Raine wakes up. They roll over towards me.

"Howdyyy Edaaa" they say sleepily. They're much paler than usual, their cheeks are flushed, and they look like they haven't slept since the creation of giraffes. I got them sick.

"Howdyyy Raineee" I reply, kissing their forehead. Yup. They definitely have a fever.

"How are you feeling, Honey?" I ask, pretty sure of the answer.

"Hmmmm," they reply, apparently having to think about it. They don't even continue, they just kiss me on the nose and start laughing like they've just heard the funniest joke in the world.

"Alright, Laughy, you're gonna wake up the whole house." I say, starting to laugh with them.

After a couple of minutes, they yawn.

"Aw, you must be exhausted, Honey." I say, playing with their hair.

"Not really." They reply. I stop playing with their hair and hold their hand instead.

They sniff. "I forgot to ask, are you feeling any better?" They say, looking at me with the most sympathetic and sweet look I've ever seen. My heart melted.

"Yeah baby, I feel alright." I reply, rubbing their hand with my thumb.

"But you don't, do you?" I continue, knowing what the answer would be, if they gave me one.
They cough. "No, not really."

"Aw, I must've gotten you sick. I'm sorry, Rainestorm." I say, feeling guilty.

"It's okay, Eda. I love you." They reply, smiling sweetly. Gosh I love them.

"I love you too, baby. Always." I reply, kissing them on the forehead again. They snuggle closer to me, laying their head on my chest.

"Such a pretty Eda." They mumble, causing me to giggle a bit. No longer being able to hold their hand, I start rubbing their back.

After a few minutes of silence, I realize that Raine has fallen asleep. I smile, kissing the top of their head.

"Such an adorable Raine." I whisper, happy to have them in my life.

The End💙 Oh my gosh, another Raeda oneshot?!?!?! At 3 in the morning?!?!?!?! Yup. There's going to be more Raeda coming soon, because I love that ship and I've not been writing very much of it recently. Anyway, I hope you guys like this one, and see you in the next chapter! Byeeeeeee

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