Her (pt. 5)

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Obviously this is part 5 of Her. As I've been saying, if you haven't read the other parts of this, you might wanna do that. Anywho, enjoy!

⚠Warnings⚠: Crying, toxic and possessive Odalia, rejection

Alador's POV:
"Darius! Darius wait!" I call, but Darius just keeps walking. I turn to Odalia, who looks scared, and I know why.

"Why did you tell him that? Why did you tell him that I didn't want him to be my friend anymore?" I ask, trying my best not to yell.

I can't believe she did that. Why would she do that?

"I-can we not do this right now, Alador? In front of everyone?" She asks, making me even angrier.

"No! We will do this in front of everyone! Why did you do that?! He was my best friend, Odalia! We've been friends for years, okay? And now he's gone, because of you! Because you told him something that isn't true! You said you were sorry! You said that you believed me when I said nothing was going on between me and Darius, so why did you do that?"

Odalia looks even more scared now, but I don't care. Maybe she should've thought of how sacred I'd be to hear Darius say everything he just said.

"I-I don't-" Odalia starts to say, but then she starts crying.

I instantly feel awful. I'm not angry at her anymore.

As other students stare at us, I walk towards Odalia and gently grab her hand. We then walk to somewhere more private where no one can hear or see us. She immediately starts sobbing, and I hug her.

"Look, I'm sorry, Dalia. This whole thing is my fault. I was keeping things from you. When Darius and I would talk, the way I'd tell you made it sound suspicious, so you got worried. That's completely reasonable and I'm so sorry, baby. I shouldn't have yelled at you. It's understandable why you would want Darius and I to stop being friends. You just don't want to lose me, and I get that. I love you." I say as I hold her.

She stops crying after a few minutes and looks up at me once we stop hugging.

"I l-love you too, Allie." She responds, kissing me on the cheek. I blush and scratch at my hand nervously.

After a few seconds, the warning bell rings and the two of us run up the stairs and into Hexside. During class, I think about Darius and what he said earlier.

'I'm sorry I loved you too much to have just given up on you in the first place.'

I'm not entirely sure what he meant by that, but I feel horrible anyway.

Two people have been hurt today because of me, and that's too many.

*Time skip and POV change brought to you by Dr. Pepper*

Darius' POV:
When the bell rings for school to end, I walk out of class and head for the exit.

As I'm walking, I hear someone calling my name. Alador.

I ignore him and keep walking. I'm not in the mood to hear what he has to say.

I walk quicker as he continues to call my name.

Finally I make it outside, and so does he. 

"Darius, please just let me explain what happened earlier!"

I don't want to hear what he has to say. I've heard enough. I continue walking.

"Darius just listen to me!" He yells.

I stop walking and turn around.

"I've heard enough, Alador! I know how you feel, okay? I  don't want to hear anymore. I'll just feel worse. Just leave. You should be with your girlfriend, right? That's why all of this happened in the first place, right? This all happened because of her, so just go."

Alador's POV:
"Darius, I'm sorry!" I yell, hoping that he might listen to me.

All of a sudden his eyes go pink and he sends abomination goo flying towards me, pushing me to the ground.

"NO YOU'RE NOT!" He screams. I've never seen him this angry. Ever.


His eyes then go back to normal and the goo hovering around him goes away.

"So you don't have to worry about that anymore." He adds, and I swear I see a tear fall.

He then walks away, leaving me on the ground and wishing I had done things differently.

He's gone now, this is over, and there's nothing else I can do about it.

I want to blame Odalia, but it's not her fault. It's mine.

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