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Daridor❤☁, along with the Blight kids. This takes place a couple hours after "The Kiss"

Amity's POV:
It was a quiet evening when Dad yelled up the stairs for me, Edric, and Emira to come into the living room. 

We walked into the living room to see Dad and Darius holding hands. They were both smiling, and I already knew what was about to happen.

Alador's POV:
I was so excited to tell the kids about me and Darius, but also nervous for some reason.

I didn't think they would take it badly, but I guess I was a little worried they wouldn't want another parent in their life after Odalia. Despite my worry, I told them.

"Kids, Darius and I have an announcement." I said, looking at Darius, who smiled at me. Gosh, he's so cute.

"We're dating!" We both said happily at the same time. All the worry I previously had about the kids completely disappeared when I saw their reactions.

Amity's POV:
Yep, I was right!

"Oh my gosh, Dad! That's amazing, congratulations!" I exclaimed, walking over to him and hugging him.

I was glad he was able to move past Mom and find someone better for him.

Edric's POV:
"WE HAVE TWO DADS NOW?!" I yelled excitedly, jumping up and down, according to Em. I don't remember the jumping, but she swears I was doing it.

"Yep!" He replied, laughing.

"Ahhhh I've always wanted two dads! That's awesome!" I said.

Emira's POV:
"Good job, Dad!" I said happily.

Edric was being so extra, so I decided to not do what he was doing.

He was jumping up and down like a four-year old. It was kind of sweet, though.

I was just as excited as he was. No more mom, no more Dad being unhappy. Just Darius, who seems like he makes Dad pretty happy, which is something I haven't seen since I was a little kid.

Darius' POV:
The kids were pretty excited to find out that Alador and I are together. I was hoping they would be.

A part of me was nervous that they wouldn't like the thought of me dating their dad. I was wrong, thankfully.

I was very excited to be a second father figure to these kids. They're all so smart and kind, just like Al.

As Alador and I continued to hold hands, the three children looked at us with varying expressions of happiness. Amity looked proud, Edric looked like he'd just found an entire cave filled with gold, and Emira looked like a mix of the two. It was sweet.

"So, you guys are cool with this?" I asked, even though I knew the answer.

"Yes!" They all exclaimed at the same time.

."You're gonna be a cool second Dad, Darius." Emira said, smacking Edric on the shoulder so he would stop jumping up and down.

"Thank you, Emira." I said.

"Well, I should probably make dinner. You kids can go back upstairs if you'd like. Dinner should be ready in about 20 minutes." Alador said.

"Okay!" The kids replied, heading back up to their rooms.

"This is going to be amazing." I said, kissing Al on the cheek. "I get to be a dad with you." I added, just in case he was unsure of what I meant.

"You're going to do an amazing job." He replied, kissing me and then heading toward the kitchen to make dinner.

"I hope so." I said, sitting on the couch. I really do want to be a cool second dad, like Emira said. I will try my best to be that.

The End💙 Yay more Daridor! I know this one isn't that great, sorry, but I decided I really need to post another actual oneshot because I've been writing nothing but headcannons. I'm running out of oneshot ideas, though, so that's why this one is kind of crappy. I hope you like it anyway! Byeeeee

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